How to eat before and after training?

People who try to maintain themselves in good physical condition regularly go in for sports. However, many are interested in how to eat before and after training to lose weight and that sports do not go to waste.

How to eat before and after training?

Many people who want to lose weight, begin to deny themselves food, especially if they are zealously engaged in sports, believing that a snack before classes will hurt and make the training useless. It is worth noting that this is an erroneous opinion, to go in for sports on an empty stomach (and it is considered to be hungry, if you did not eat for 8 hours) is not recommended. So, before the training, it is advisable to have a snack in half an hour, but naturally, you can not overeat, an excellent option is yogurt or kefir . If your trainings are long and intense, then it is always "energy-intensive", so you need to charge the body with energy, namely carbohydrates, so you should eat some brown rice, banana, buckwheat, etc. before exercise.

As for how to eat properly after training, it should be noted that a couple of hours after the session it is desirable to drink only water, although if your training was long and "took" a lot of energy, you can make up for it with a light snack, for example a piece of bread and a glass kefir. After 2 hours you can already eat a little boiled fish or stewed vegetables. The ideal option is to replenish half of the calories you spent, for example, you spent 300 kcal, which means 150 calories you need to "eat".

Food for weight loss in training should be as balanced as possible, there must be proteins and carbohydrates , the main thing is not to eat too fatty foods, especially after playing sports. The main rule is not to eat at least two hours before bedtime, in extreme cases, a glass of yogurt or kefir is allowed. If you are trying to lose weight, then in any case you need to switch to proper nutrition, eat more fruits, vegetables, less sweet and fatty.