Prevention of obesity

Obesity is a disease that is associated with impaired fat metabolism. As you know, preventing the appearance of a problem is easier than getting rid of it, the same is true for obesity. If you follow some simple rules, you can not be afraid of excess weight .

Causes and prevention of obesity

The urgency of the problem of excess weight is not lost for many years. There are several main reasons for the appearance of this disease: malnutrition, lack of physical activity, bad habits and diseases of the digestive system.

Diagnosis and prevention of obesity is important at any age, as the percentage of children and adolescents with this disease increases every year. The main work should be aimed at ensuring that the amount of calories consumed does not exceed the amount spent.

Prevention of obesity - nutrition

The most harmful products for the figure that provoke weight gain, contain fast carbohydrates. First of all it concerns various sweets and desserts, from which it is very difficult for many people to refuse. By the way, the prevention of obesity in children and adolescents is mainly based on the restriction of the use of such products, because children are very fond of sweet and can, eat them in huge quantities. The category of forbidden food includes fast food, chocolate, various snacks, pastries, pasta from premium flour, and still fizzy drinks.

Experts recommend changing the daily menu and include in it useful products: cereals, fresh vegetables and fruits, meat, fish, berries. Sweets can be replaced with sweet dried fruits and nuts. In the first stages, you can count the number of calories eaten so as not to exceed your limit.

Prevention of obesity and overweight - physical activity

Throughout the day the body consumes energy, but sometimes it's not enough that fat is not stored in the body, for example, this applies to people engaged in sedentary work. In this case, sports are mandatory. You can practice at the gym, for example, go to dance, fitness, gym and swimming . If there is no time, then there is a huge amount of exercises that you can perform at home. Experts advise selecting a complex that you like It's important to note that the training should last at least an hour. Do it at least three times a week.