Are pampers harmful for boys?

The appearance of disposable diapers greatly facilitated the life of modern mothers. With them, you do not need to constantly wash the baby's diapers and clothes. But also there were a lot of fears and prejudices, which are scared by young mothers of the older generation, and sometimes even by doctors. Especially often they ask themselves whether boys can wear diapers - they say, they affect their reproductive function and can lead to infertility of the child. Let's see, whether diapers for boys are harmful or not.

Myths about the dangers of diapers for boys

Among mummies, there are several assumptions about how diapers affect children:

Pampers spoil the skin

Many grandmothers who brought up their children in diapers say that the skin under the diaper "does not breathe," therefore, diaper rash appears on the skin (diaper dermatitis). But this is not true, because In the structure of each diaper, microscopic pores are provided that allow air to pass through and remove ammonia vapors, making the baby's skin more dry. Therefore, if you change the diaper in time, and do not leave it for the whole day, and follow the rules of daily hygiene, there will be no dermatitis under it.

The diaper bends the legs

Very often girls who are pregnant for the first time have fears that if they use diapers, it will harm children, especially boys, and their children will have crooked legs. But you need to know, and it is already scientifically proven that the length and shape of the legs in children is laid in the womb, and wearing a diaper or swaddling them will not change.

A disposable diaper is worse than a disposable diaper or diaper

Also often talk about the harmful effect of disposable diapers on boys, because when wearing them, the scrotum and testes overheat, which does not occur in diapers. But not about what greenhouse effect and overheating can not be said, tk. when wearing a diaper, the temperature of the scrotum increases only by 1 °. And to raise the temperature in the testicles in general is very difficult, tk. They are under the protection of seven shells and the role of the temperature regulator in the interior is performed by the ovarian artery. And if there is no overheating in disposable diapers, then what can be harmful to the boy?

Pampers affect the genital function of boys

The worst thing they say is harmful to diapers for boys is that they lead to impotence. But this statement can also be easily refuted, remembering the anatomy. The thing is that the male half has special Leyding cells, which are responsible for the production of male sex hormones. And in the first seven years they simply do not work out anything. And only after seven years there is a lumen in the tubules, and test cells (spermatocytes and spermatogonia) begin to be produced. Only after ten years the boys begin to appear full sperm. So why diapers that are worn in the first two or three years of life are harmful to the boys' sperm, if it appears much later.

We use diapers correctly

When buying diapers, you must follow simple rules:

When using disposable diapers, it is necessary to follow recommendations:

Having considered all the hypotheses about the dangers of diapers for boys, we can safely say that there is no harm to health from them. But do not abuse them, so that later there are no problems with the weaning of the baby from diapers . And then your child's childhood will be happy!