HCG after embryo transfer

After the embryo transfer, each woman for 14 days is in anxious expectation - the embryo took root or not. These two weeks are also aggravated by the fact that the woman is recommended almost complete rest and bed rest. The most exciting analysis, which is for every woman who has undergone IVF - a blood test for HCG.

The level of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin hormone) in the blood or in the urine is perhaps the most reliable indicator of the onset of pregnancy. After all, this hormone appears in the body of a woman at the moment when the embryo successfully implanted into the epithelium of the uterus. It should be noted that the level of hCG in the blood, significantly exceeds the indices of this hormone in the urine. That is why, the level of hCG after the transfer of embryos is checked in the blood test.

The hCG table after embryo transfer

With successful attachment of the embryo, the level of the hormone hCG grows in a mathematical progression. And its indicators can tell a lot. For example, at very high figures on Day 14, one can speak of a multiple pregnancy. With each fruit, the level of the hormone doubles. In the event that the pregnancy is ectopic, the level of hCG in the first weeks will be below the norm by about a third.

If a woman is not pregnant, then the level of the hormone hCG will be from 0 to 5.

But if the implantation of the embryo after the transfer was successful, these indicators will grow every day.

We will give an approximate table of growth of the hormone hCG with a successful pregnancy.

Weeks of pregnancy Level of hCG
1-2 25-156
2-3 101-4870
3-4 110-31500
4-5 2560-82300
5-6 23100-151000
6-7 27300-233000
7-11 20900-291000
11-16 6140-103000
16-21 2700-78100

Starting from about 20 weeks, the hCG rates go down.

Symptoms after embryo transfer

After the transfer of the embryo a woman can not feel - there was a long-awaited pregnancy or not. At a minimum, because after the transfer of about 10 days the embryo still makes its way and undergoes the implantation process, the level of the pregnancy hormone during this period is still too low.

Many women experience a slight discomfort as before the monthly - pulls the lower abdomen, chest is poured. However, all these symptoms do not speak for or against pregnancy.

Therefore it is necessary to have patience and wait for the appointed analysis for hCG. During this period, doctors do not even advise taking pregnancy tests. The likelihood that they will show themselves at this time is too small, and the extra disorder of the future mother is of no use.