When is it better to get pregnant?

The issue of child planning often makes future parents take into account many nuances before, during and after conception. Given the recent results of static studies of middle-aged people who first become parents, many simply do not have time to spare on this matter. Therefore, in a number of cases, the question is posed in pairs: "When is it easiest and best to get pregnant?"

The best time for conception

The most suitable age for conceiving a child is the period of 20-35 years, when metabolic processes in the body are sufficiently active, and the probability of mutations of genetic material and its breakdown is minimal. This is very important for bearing healthy offspring.

If we talk about the time of the year, when it is better to get pregnant, most doctors recommend the autumn period. It is believed that at this time the human body is maximally saturated with vitamins, which will certainly positively affect the conception and bearing of pregnancy. But in fact, this advice can not be universal, as some regularly suffer from seasonal viruses in winter, which may not have a positive impact on the development of the baby.

If the future mother traces such a trend, then, in order to protect the fetus from the effects of infections in the autumn-winter period, it is better to plan the conception at the beginning of spring. But in this case, you need to be prepared for the fact that the body at this time is particularly weakened, so for its support before conception and after it is necessary to take a complex of vitamins that strengthen its immune forces.

When can I get pregnant?

In which days it is better to become pregnant - is determined by the specificity of the menstrual cycle for each particular woman. In the women's cycle, there are days when an ovum enters the uterus through the fallopian tubes, that is, ovulation occurs. Usually, in the absence of chronic diseases of the genital area, it falls to the middle of the cycle (if the cycle is 28 days - on day 14, if 26 - by 13). It is known that the life expectancy of an ovum is 24 hours, this is the time when there is the greatest chance of becoming pregnant. However, it is considered normal and a little early onset or an easy lag (1-2 days), and therefore the period when it is possible to become pregnant increases and is approximately 5-6 days (3 days before supposed ovulation and 3 days after). The remaining days of the cycle are the time when you can not become pregnant.

To tell the days when it is better to become pregnant, not only the calendar helps, but also the test for ovulation, which determines the onset of ovulation, as well as a regular measurement of rectal temperature, where an increase in the indicators during the day will indicate the release of the egg.

How can you easily get pregnant?

Increase the chances of pregnancy can be using special sex positions for deep penetration. In particular, the most suitable for such cases is the missionary posture, when the woman is lying on her back, and the partner is on top. To contribute to the ingress of sperm into the uterus can be padded under the buttocks of a woman's pillow. After sexual intercourse, it is recommended that a woman stay in a reclining position.

The probability of conceiving a child is higher in the couple where the partner has good health, are not overburdened with work and stress. To do this, at the stage of pregnancy planning, doctors advise taking a break in business, going on vacation, relaxing.