Signs for all occasions

Our grandmothers and grandfathers were often guided by different beliefs, they believed that this way one can avoid misfortune. All peoples have their own superstitions , some of them coincide, some are different. About the signs for all occasions, which are the same for many nationalities, we'll talk today.

Muslim and Christian signs for all occasions

  1. The most famous belief is that you can not tell others about your plans. It is believed that if a person informs everyone about what he is going to do, it is unlikely that he will be able to implement his plan. Silence is known to be gold, and almost all people believe in it.
  2. The second well-known omen for all occasions, about which Wanga spoke, is a ban on boasting. When a person tells all about his own merits, material benefits and other similar things, he risks losing it all. In any case, this is what the belief assures us. Different nationalities have tales of fools who liked to show off and about what came of it. Such stories teach children not to make such mistakes, and do not brag about other merits and joyous events.
  3. Another superstition known to many encourages pregnant women, as long as possible to hide their condition from others. Any people has stories that claim that a girl who carries a child is too vulnerable to evil and envious, so you must carefully hide the pregnancy from other people's eyes.

Despite the differences in cultures, Christians, Muslims and representatives of other faiths have much in common, and therefore there are beliefs that are the same for everyone. To be guided by them in life or not, it will be up to each to decide for themselves, but knowing about the essence of such assumptions will probably not be superfluous.