Signs on Tatyana's day for students and the successful passing of exams

The only date in history when priests celebrate a holiday together with students is Tatiana's day. According to long traditions, it is customary to speculate, to work on an au pair, to have fun. Customs, beliefs and signs on Tatyana's day have reached our days.

Tatyana's Day - What Is It?

According to the church calendar, January 25 is the day when the early Christian martyr Tatiana Romanus is worshiped. In 225, under Emperor Alexander Severus, she died for her faith. In the people the memorable date coincided with the opening of the Moscow University (1755). The birthday of the educational institution grew into a holiday of the whole student body, which since 2005 received official status. Over time, two festivals united, and Tatyana Rimskaya began to be revered as the patroness of students. What does Tatyanin mean in modern society:

  1. The Orthodox continue to pray to Tatiana, they ask for help in teaching.
  2. Adherents of old traditions call for spring and restore order in the house.
  3. Students are accepted for joking divination. The date of the holiday coincides with the training calendar, when the end of the examination session comes and the holidays come.

Tatyana's Day in Orthodoxy

In fact, Tatyana's day is a church holiday. Believers remember Tatiana Roman (Epiphany). Born into a wealthy family, she faithfully believed in God in such hard times when persecution of Christians reached their peak. Tatiana was forced to forcibly convert to paganism, mercilessly tortured, but all the wounds on the body disappeared. The girl was executed, but even in the face of death she did not renounce her faith. On this day prayers are read in the churches, and believers ask Tatiana to bestow happiness, patience, success in business and study.

Tatyana's Day - people's signs

In the old days people believed in signs and superstitions: they watched the nature, listened to it and made conclusions, looked into the future. On January 25, it was decided to pay close attention to everything, because the opportunity to learn not only the weather, but its fate was plenty. One day brought together many beliefs. And even today the people's signs on Tatyana's day have not lost their relevance.

Weather on Tatyana's Day

Some of the most popular signs in Russia are related to weather forecasting. Peasants were interested in pressing problems: when the spring comes, the summer will be productive, etc. The answers to these questions could be answered by time-tested weather signs for Tatiana's day.

  1. If the morning turned out to be frosty and sunny - the spring will be cold, and the summer will be moderately warm, without sudden temperature changes.
  2. If the snow has started in the morning, the winter will be prolonged, but it will be warm.
  3. Struck frost - the cold will drag on.
  4. Sharply warmed up - to a hot summer.
  5. The sun is shining brightly, the stars are visible - to the imminent spring.
  6. A strong wind blew, a blizzard was played out - to a dry summer and a small crop.
  7. The snow in Tatyana's day meant a rainy summer.

Tatyana's Day - signs for students

To believe in signs is accepted and for students, otherwise how to catch luck at the tail and pass all the exams? Signs of the holiday Tatiana's day are peculiar, but the students continue to observe the old traditions and listen to them.

  1. On a holiday you can not sit down for abstracts, even when the next day an exam is scheduled. You can not prepare for it, it's better to have fun!
  2. Feasts are approved, drink on Student's Day - means to lure luck. It is believed that if you do not "use" that day, it will be more difficult to study.
  3. One of the most popular signs is to go out on the balcony or lean out the window and call: "Ball, come!" . If someone responds "Already on the road!" - this promises good luck in closing the session.
  4. On the last page of the record book a house with a pipe is drawn. The longer the column of smoke in the picture went, the more likely to earn good marks! The line should not cross itself.

Conception - signs Tatyana's day

Signs and popular beliefs in Tatyana's day pay attention to important events of life.

  1. Marrying January 25 is considered a guarantee of a long and happy life.
  2. If a daughter was born on this day - to be her economic and capable student, prone to science. And if a boy was born, be unhappy with him.
  3. To conceive a child in this church festival also promised good luck, although there are no exact dates about the pregnancy in Tatyana's day.

Tatyana's Day - what can you do that you can not?

In Russia this day was celebrated in a special way. The festival bore the name Babi Kut - from the name of the corner in the house near the stove where the utensils rested. The elder mistresses baked on a large loaf, the symbol of the sun, and distributed to each member of the family, in order that the spring should come sooner and the frosty frosts go away. From what can not be done in Tatyana's day, there are such prohibitions as:

Tatyana's Day - Divination

Young unmarried girls spent this day for gay fortune-telling, home care and searching for suitors. It was decided to knock out rugs on the river, make wishes , looking at the sun, tight tangles of yarn. Divination by Tatyana's day is an old tradition. The most popular of them can be conducted today.

  1. On the ring . The names of the severed are written on paper, laid out on the table in an inverted form. The gold ring is suspended on a string and is found over leaves with names. Above which piece of paper is most downloaded - the one and the groom!
  2. On objects . Guessing will tell you about the status of the groom. It is necessary to take a crust of bread, a candy, a ring, keys and a hook, put in a common bowl and cover with a cloth. Do not pry and not feel, pull out any object. If you get the keys - to be a girl married to a businessman, if the ring is for a stylish status man, a candy for a spender, a hook for a poor man, a bread for a rich man.
  3. By the bulbs . On the night before the holiday, you need to introduce your future husband , and in the morning take a few bulbs, attach a piece of paper with different names to each and put it in water. Which bulb will sprout more quickly, she will point to her future husband.

Plots for Tatyana's Day

When celebrating Tatyana's day, it is customary to conduct all sorts of ceremonies. In the old days, girls made small panicles from rags and feathers and tried to hide them unnoticed in the house of a potential groom, having read before the prayer to Saint Tatiana. According to the note, if the future mother-in-law does not find a thing - from the wedding, no longer get away. Today, rituals for Tatiana's day are mostly about studying. For the successful passing of exams, students practice playful and not very conspiracies and rituals:

  1. Before the holiday they put together with their books a textbook of the senior course, taken from a good student. Getting up at dawn, not washing, they are baptized three times and say "Tatiana, you are great and wise, help me to have more intelligence" . - Hands should be folded palms up, on them - lay the book. "For this, the textbook is strong in my hands, and your help is in the hands . " The main thing is not to tell anyone about the ritual.
  2. On a sheet of paper they write with a beautiful handwriting "Order of the Heavenly Office" , in which the teacher instructs him to take the exam from the student (his name) and give a good evaluation. Sheet is washed into the toilet.
  3. Take the thing in which you have to go to the exam. They iron her with an iron, saying at the same time: "I smoothly stroke and pass the examination . "

Various signs on Tatyana's day help pass the exam , find a soul mate, find out the weather for the next year. Three holidays - church, student and national - are joined on this date. Many predictions do come true, so there is nothing strange that in our age of technology and progress, people continue to think and observe. This can become ordinary fun, and can help in determining the future fate.