The cat came to the house - a sign

Cats live next to people for more than one hundred years. Since ancient times these animals have been considered mystical. People believed that cats have connections with other worlds, and they can see spirits and different essences. According to existing information, cats can predict natural disasters and help get rid of pain.

A sign - what does a cat come to at home

There are times when a person comes out into the street and discovers someone else's cat on their doorstep, which is of special interest and does not go away. Explain this phenomenon can be with the help of signs that originated in the time of the ancient Slavs.

What does it mean "the cat came into the house":

  1. Most often such a guest is considered a favorable sign, which foreshadows good events. It is not recommended to drive a cat, as this can scare away luck .
  2. Another interpretation of the sign "a strange cat came into the house" indicates that four-legged friends anticipate misfortune and negative energy, which means that their main mission is to save a person. According to existing information, cats have the ability to take death away from home, even sacrificing their lives.
  3. If the cat has run into the apartment, then such a sign can mean that soon you can expect to improve your financial situation or to replenish the family.

In the interpretation it is recommended to consider the color of the four-legged guest. If the cat is red, then it protects the house, and even such animals help to cope with illnesses. Another common sign is the "black cat came into the house." In ancient times people believed that animals of this color are protectors from thieves. Even black cats are considered a guardian against evil eye and spoilage.

Four-legged with a white fur coat, who came to visit, promise luck in business and happiness. If a gray cat came to visit, then you should expect positive changes in your personal life.