Why does a sparrow dream?

A sparrow is a bird well known to everyone, because for hundreds of years it lived near a person. The bird is gray, invisible, almost invisible, but ingenious and resistant to stressful situations. In dreams, a small omnipresent gray bird is a messenger of magic and its symbol is most often associated with unnecessary confusion, excessive noise and confusion.

To see a sparrow in a dream is to receive a warning about evil tongues and that it is worth paying more close attention to what, to whom and under what circumstances you are speaking.

If you run in a dream for a bird, then you have a pleasant acquaintance or an unexpected meeting with an old friend who has not been seen for many years.

What does the sparrow dream about?

A number of different qualities are attributed to the sparrow, most of which are negative: arrogance, pride, thirst for money and homelessness.

If you keep a sparrow in your hands in a dream, then you have a cunning, secret, intelligent and experienced opponent who will not be able to fulfill his intentions.

What does a sparrow in an apartment dream about?

This is either to the guests, or to some news that complement each other, because there are no guests who would have arrived empty-handed or without interesting news.

Guests and news - similar concepts, so most dream interpreters consider this to be a single whole. And if you take into account the continuous chirping of sparrows, then the appearance of a sparrow in an apartment in a dream, will be associated with the receipt of some news, messages.

Another thing to pay attention to is a bird. If the patient is sad, sad and hungry, then the information can be negative.

If the bird is cheerful, happy, flies and chirps, then the news is positive.

Why does a sparrow fly in the window?

Vorobyshke, flying into the window with a flock of his colleagues, warns that you can become a subject of discussion and rumors. And for a while you will forget the dream and peace.

A dream in which a bird feeds its chicks, says that you should exercise caution in dealing with friends and relatives. Any offensive word can disrupt peace and lead to quarrels.

Why does a dead sparrow dream?

The dead sparrow in a dream is a messenger of sorrow, quarrels and troubles in the interpretation of Miller, and also - the opportunity to become more serious and more diligent. The opportunity to find a new and permanent partner, to create a lasting relationship and possible marriage - this dream portends for Freud.

Dream of the 21st century

To hear in a dream singing a sparrow means a new interesting acquaintance, or a hearty encounter with an old faithful friend.

Chirping sparrow - be ready for gossip and intrigues. A dead or dead bird is the direct way to achieve a dream and good luck.

If a girl holds a sparrow with her hands, then in the near future she expects a pleasant acquaintance, which, perhaps, will grow into a strong relationship. Woman - a stormy romance.