Geographical language of the child

Geographical language or otherwise desquamative glossitis is a disease associated with inflammation of the mucous membrane of the tongue. For this type of disease is characterized by the formation of discolored areas, having rounded forms and perimeter surrounded by a rim of the clouded epithelium. The most often affected areas appear on the sides and on the "back" of the tongue. This disease occurs quite often, especially in childhood, in adults it is more often among women. In appearance the language looks like a geographical map, from where the name of the disease - geographic language - actually came from.

All the reasons for the origin of the geographical language are completely unknown. But there are a number of diseases with which he meets most often. For example, its cause can serve as acute infectious diseases, vegetative-endocrine disorders, disease of the circulatory system and gastrointestinal tract. There is a possibility that diathesis can also cause desquamative glossitis. So in 65% of children with exudative diathesis subsequently identified and geographical language.

Symptoms of geographical language

The main symptom of the geographical language is the appearance of whitish-gray spots of opacified epithelium, which subsequently swell, and threadlike papillae inside the spots, have properties to slough off. As a result of this, bright pink areas, different in shape and size, are formed. Often, in children, the disease does not cause any sensation and is detected quite by accident, during regular routine checks. But there are cases when the geographical language of a child causes tingling, burning and unpleasant sensations. Symptoms may include signs such as, an increase in the size of the tongue, some difficulty in chewing or swallowing food, and a perceived discomfort at the time of the conversation.

Treatment of geographical glossitis

In most cases, this disease does not require special treatment and medical intervention. Epithelia sluschayutsya for several weeks or months, and the problem goes by itself. But how to treat a geographical language, if it has been troubling for a long time, and there is no tendency to recover? The most important thing in the treatment and prevention of glossitis is regular hygiene of the oral cavity. This is especially true for children with a folded form of the tongue. Since the peculiarities of its structure form ideal conditions for the reproduction of microflora, which in combination with glossitis can cause inflammation accompanied by pain sensations.

To treat a geographical language recommend rinsing various herbs and solutions. Especially good help broths of chamomile, sage and St. John's wort. Sunflower oil, also has healing properties, doctors advise to keep it in your mouth for 5-10 minutes. The oil must be sterilized beforehand, to do this, put the bottle of oil in boiling water and keep it there for 20 minutes. Rinse with freshly-greened green tea promotes reduction of inflammatory processes and relieves of painful sensations.

Not bad is the application to the tongue of gauze napkins, impregnated with fish oil, vaseline or butter. Keep this bandage on the tongue is necessary for 3-5 minutes.

To avoid exacerbation or relapse of the disease, the child should be warned against sharp, salty and excessively cold or hot dishes.

Thus, with timely measures and hygiene, geographical glossitis does not harm your child's body.