Growth hormone

The growth hormone (STH), as it is also called, the growth hormone, is a substance of a protein nature that is synthesized in the anterior pituitary gland. The main function performed by him is stimulation of growth, and as a result - an increase in the size of the body. This is achieved through the activation of anabolic processes. In addition, this hormone increases the activity of fat, carbohydrate, and also mineral metabolism.

What determines the synthesis of growth hormone in the body?

Both the process of biosynthesis and the subsequent secretion of the growth hormone depend on the various influences that the nervous system, especially the internal secretion glands, have on the body. The very process of synthesis is regulated by the hypothalamus, more precisely by its neurohormones.

The effect of STH on the body is carried out by insulin-like, growth factors, and depends on both the amount and the activity of the tissue receptors of the hormone.

How is the decrease in secretion of STH in the body?

The most common growth hormone is lowered in childhood. If this fact is not detected in time and is not corrected, being already grown up, the growth of such people does not exceed 130-140 cm. At the same time, a corresponding decrease in the size of internal organs is observed, which is known in medicine as splanchnomycria. In such patients, hormonal as well as metabolic disorders are also noted. So often dwarfism develops.

What happens to the body in excess synthesis of STH?

Growth hormone can be increased in the body in the presence of a pituitary tumor of hormone-producing nature. At the same time, depending on the stage at which the disorder occurs, two clinical syndromes are distinguished:

  1. In children, whose process of ossification has not yet been completed, there is a sharp increase in bone growth, resulting in the development of gigantism.
  2. If the disorder occurs in adults whose ossification process has long been completed, there is an increase in bone growth in width, which ultimately leads to an increase in the volume of the cartilaginous tissue. As a result, there is an expansion of the bones of the skeleton, as well as stop, deformation of the joints, an increase in the nose and ear auricles. Ie, in other words, acromegaly develops.

Increase of blood glucose levels in the blood can also be caused by taking medications, in particular, containing glucocorticoids and progesterone.

What level of STH in the body should be normal?

The rate of growth hormone in the blood changes with age. At the same time, for the early diagnosis and timely treatment, it is especially important to control the level of growth hormone in children. Its level changes as follows:

If you suspect a pathology in children, an analysis is made of the level of growth hormone, the results of which are compared with the norm. In this case, in the first place take into account the age of the child.

As for adults, the norm of this hormone in the blood is up to 1.0 ng / ml. However, the elevation in pathology, for example, in acromegaly, reaches a concentration of 40-80 ng / ml. The increase of this hormone to this level is also typical for:

Thus, with the growth of the child lagging behind, especially important for the timely diagnosis of pathology, is the growth hormone assay.