Ascaridosis in children - symptoms and treatment

Ascariasis is the defeat of the child's body with spindle-shaped parasites, which can grow to quite large sizes. Most often, the cause of this disease is non-compliance with personal hygiene, so in most cases it is diagnosed in young children.

Finding the first signs of infection of the baby with ascariasis, this disease should be treated immediately, because without proper treatment parasites will continue to multiply, and they will be much harder to destroy. That is why it is important for parents to know what symptoms can be recognized for ascariasis in children, and what treatment is needed to get rid of these unpleasant neighbors as soon as possible.

Signs of ascaridosis in children

Getting into the children's body, ascaris affects several organs at once. In the process of its development in the body of the child, this parasite can cause the following symptoms:

  1. The first or migratory stage of the disease, when the ascarid larvae enter the lungs, is characterized by the appearance of a cough and severe wheezing in the baby, as well as various allergic reactions, which often represent a small rash on the hands and feet. At the same time, the child's body temperature almost always remains within the normal range.
  2. The second stage - intestinal - manifests itself in the form of diarrhea, constipation, flatulence, belching, nausea, pain and discomfort in the abdomen. The baby begins to lose weight, his immunity decreases. Often disturbed by a night's sleep, there is a grinding of teeth during sleep. In severe cases, this disease without proper treatment can lead to intestinal obstruction.

Scheme of treatment of ascaridosis in children

This disease must be treated under the strict supervision of the pediatrician. Typically, for the treatment of ascaridosis in children, doctors prescribe such antihelminthic drugs as Vermox, Decaris or Arbotekt. If the disease was detected at the migratory stage, bronchodilators are additionally prescribed. If ascaridosis can be detected only at the stage of intestinal parasitism, enterosorbents, for example, activated carbon, Enterosgel or Polysorb, are also assigned.

In addition, in the treatment of ascaridosis, children are actively using folk remedies. Use the following recipes to get rid of parasites:

  1. The head of garlic is boiled in a glass of milk until soft, cool, strain and leave this broth for the night. The next day the child should make an enema with this compound.
  2. Take the onion, peel it and finely chop it, then pour a glass of steep boiling water. Leave this mixture to infuse for 12 hours, and then give the baby 100 ml daily for 4-5 days.