How to remove a stain from wax?

The stains from the wax are not soluble in water, so you can not get rid of them with the usual washing. Stains from wax or paraffin are removed with the help of special solvents. You can apply a stain remover.

We offer a simple and cheap method, how to remove stains from wax from clothes with a knife and iron.

Before you get rid of the stain, you need to remove the wax from clothes - scrape it with a knife. After that, a bright spot will remain on the tissue. On a site of clothes with a stain it is necessary to put a damp cloth, on a cloth - a sheet of a pure paper. Next, you should iron clothes through cloth and sheet, with a hot iron. Because of the high temperature, the wax melts, easily lags behind the clothes and sticks to the wet cloth.

This method allows you to completely wipe clothes from wax.