Terms of eruption of permanent teeth

In the process of growth and development of the child, replacement of the milk teeth with stronger permanent ones takes place. The number of dairy is 20. At the age of six, there is a gradual resorption of their roots and loosening. It is they who are later replaced. The rest are initially cut by the constants. The main difference between dental teeth is the presence of shorter roots and a bluish-white color, due to which they received their name.

Sequence of appearance

Terms for eruption of permanent teeth correspond to a special order, which ensures the formation of a proper occlusion. Now we will consider in more detail, when the permanent teeth begin to erupt, and in what sequence. For convenience, the teeth are called by numbers, starting from the medial incisors.

So, the lower sixth (first molars) appear first of all. Their eruption corresponds to the age interval of 6-7 years. It is worth noting that they do not replace dairy, but appear immediately indigenous. The place for them is provided by the growth of the jaw. Then the central lateral incisors, the first premolars, fangs, second premolars, second molars, are cut along the line.

It is interesting that the principle of pairing of eruption is observed, that is, the same names appear simultaneously. The process of formation of full roots and dental line is completed by the age of 18. However, it is worth remembering the so-called wisdom teeth , which can appear at a later age.

The picture shows the table of the approximate period of eruption of permanent teeth in children. With the help of it, one can clearly follow the sequence of development of the masticatory apparatus.

The relevance of timing

We will analyze why we need to know when the permanent teeth of children break through and what the timing may not meet. Growth and development of the child occurs gradually and in stages. Therefore, any inconsistencies in the "biological schedule" is a pathological violation and can be a consequence of serious diseases, including vitamin deficiency, metabolic disorders, pathology of the bone system and genetic abnormalities of development.

As for the teeth, this can lead to various bite disorders and deformities of the dentition. Also, similar problems often arise due to the fact that the root front is wider and more dairy, and the jaw has not yet managed to grow to accommodate the entire row.