Anti-allergic drugs for children

Antihistamines, or antiallergic, drugs can remove allergy manifestations - itching, swelling, rashes and other unpleasant symptoms.

The mechanism of their action is based on blocking the action of histamine - a biologically active substance, which is responsible for the manifestation of an allergic reaction of the body.

Active components of antihistamine group medicines allow to stop manifestations of food, medicinal, skin allergies.

But to date, the pharmaceutical industry is full of various options, differing in price, digestibility and effects on the body. What kind of antiallergic drugs can I give to children? After all, caring parents want the medicine not to cause harm to the child and give the maximum benefit.

In order to make the right choice, you should know that all children's antiallergic drugs are conditionally divided into three generations. Each group is distinguished by the degree of effectiveness and influence on the body.

Three generations of antiallergic drugs for children

1 generation - Fenkarol, Peritol, Suprastin, Diazolin, Tavegil, Dimedrol, etc.

These drugs, in addition to blocking histamine, affect other cells of the body. This leads to undesirable side effects. In addition, they are quickly eliminated from the body, so large doses are required. As a result, the nervous system may suffer. And this provokes the emergence of drowsiness and migraines. There is also tachycardia, loss of appetite and dry mouth. But at the same time, first-generation drugs can quickly and quickly eliminate allergic reactions.

2 generation - Loratadin, Fenistil , Claritin, Zirtek, Tsitirizin, Ebastin.

They act selectively, so they have minimal side effects. Convenient in that their reception is not dependent on food intake. They are characterized by quick action and long lasting effect.

3 generation - Tefenadin, Erius , Terfen, Astemizol, Gismanal.

Used for long-term treatment of dermatitis, allergic rhinitis and bronchial asthma. Virtually no side effects. Children can be admitted only after three years.

Antiallergic drugs for children will remove the unpleasant consequences of an allergic reaction. But do not self-medicate. Only an experienced doctor will be able to choose the right dosage in order not to harm, but to help the child.