Cinquefoil white - use in folk medicine

White cattail is a perennial herb that belongs to the Pink family. At first glance, it seems rather refined, but in fact it has a mass of useful properties. Not for nothing after all, the white lead was found in folk medicine several decades ago. And today, many adherents of alternative therapy use the plant to combat various ailments.

Useful properties of white cotton

Traditional medicine uses all, without exception, parts of the plant, starting with a rhizome, ending with a small flower. Leaves and color can be harvested throughout the season, and the roots most benefit are contained in the autumn-spring period. Before you prepare a medicine, the plant must be dried. To do this, it is enough to cut it finely, spread it on a clean towel and leave it on the air for a few days. If you do not want to make unnecessary movements, you can just buy a ready-made dry mix in the pharmacy.

Apply for the treatment of herb motif white because of its unique composition. It includes many useful components - almost the entire periodic table:

In addition, there was a place in the plant for:

And this is not a complete list.

In folk medicine, the white lead is used to stimulate the central nervous system and restore the hormonal background. Medicines based on plants help normalize thyroid function and increase diuresis. Regular intake of them prevents many diseases of the liver, kidneys, cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract.

Traditional medicine also adds white blood-sugar to preparations from:

Lovers of treatment according to the prescriptions of traditional medicine noticed that after the beginning of the application of the tinder, the condition of the hair, nails and teeth improves, the skin becomes more tender and smooth, and the general state of the body normalizes.

Drug-based plants are mild, so they are often used for preventive purposes. Means strengthen immunity, remove from the body slag and toxins, have antiseptic and wound-healing effect.

How is the root of taupe white used in folk medicine?

From different parts of the plant, including from the root, you can prepare tincture or infusion. Recipes are simple: a small amount of dry melkolotochennoy mixture should be mixed with alcohol or boiling water, respectively, and leave to infuse for several hours or days.

Tincture is better to drink before meals thrice a day divorced. 20-30 drops for one intake is more than enough. For dilution, it is recommended to use normal purified water.

Infusion is less concentrated, but it is also not worth using. Do not take more than three tablespoons of medication at a time. Repeat the procedure two to three times a day. This drug is best able to cope with thyroid disease.

Some craftsmen from lapchatka are preparing an ointment. For this recipe, in addition to the plant, you need animal fat and vegetable oil. Ingredients are mixed in approximately equal proportions and cooked on medium heat for no longer than ten minutes. Ointment helps with osteochondrosis, sciatica, arthritis.

In addition to the indications for use, white cauliflower has contraindications. Prohibited funds on its basis when: