Sorepka - useful properties and contraindications

Surepka is a representative of the cabbage family. This is a two-year herbaceous plant, which many know as rape spring. Useful properties and a small number of contraindications made the rape a popular medical tool. It is used to treat various ailments. Rape is quite soft, but the results of its application deserve respect.

The healing properties of the rape

To date, the composition of the rape to the end has not yet been studied. So far, the presence in the plant of such substances as:

The medicine uses almost all parts of the rape. But with the seeds that contain the most toxins, experts recommend being very cautious. Because of them often suffer from animals, overgrown grass. They can adversely affect the well-being of a person.

Useful properties of the rape are numerous and quite diverse:

  1. Funds based on grass roots are considered good diuretics.
  2. Preparations from rape effectively treat wounds. They contribute to the early recovery of the epidermis.
  3. On the basis of rapeseed, excellent anti-inflammatory agents are obtained.
  4. As practice shows, the plant has a very mild effect on the composition of the blood.
  5. Medicines made from grass are able to effectively enhance their own protective functions of the body.
  6. Experts have recommended proven medical properties of honey from rape for women suffering from hormonal disorders. Medicine is well-known cases when using sweets from rapeseed, symptoms of mastopathy , fibroids and other inflammatory processes were eliminated.
  7. Potentially dangerous seeds in small amounts can be used in place of a laxative. They act, as a rule, much faster than many of their medicinal analogues.
  8. Traditional medicine medicinal properties of herbs are used for the treatment of strokes, epilepsy, paralysis.
  9. Not bad proved to be rape spring as a means, coping with asthenic syndrome, chronic fatigue, signs of weakness, neurasthenia.
  10. Adding plants to the daily diet will increase the body's resistance to the effects of pathogens.

The curative properties of the crab are also effective when:

Contraindications to the use of rape

  1. Rape is dangerous to people prone to increased bleeding and having blood clotting disorders.
  2. It is not necessary to use medicines based on rape in patients with kidney stones or bladder. The fact is that they have a powerful diuretic effect, which can provoke movement of stones and subsequent blockage of the ureters.
  3. Negative effects of the grass can have with stomach ulcer.
  4. Postpone the treatment with a plant preferably until the inflammatory processes in the intestine are eliminated.
  5. Contraindicated in severe and with individual intolerance of its individual components.
  6. Experts recommend to abandon the use of rapeseed spring for future mothers and during the lactation period.

Due to the high content of mustard oils in the grass, it can cause diarrhea or enteritis. To avoid these side effects, take all the medicines with rapeseed strictly in accordance with all the prescriptions of doctors.