Orgasm in a dream

I remember when my friends and I were young and free, we often ended the evening chatter on the phone with a wish for erotic dreams. Someone dreamed, some do not, this is not the point. And the fact is that some women not only often dream of frivolous content see, so also the pleasure of getting them manage. It's about having an orgasm in a dream.

To experience an orgasm in a dream is normal?

Sometimes women who have experienced an orgasm during sleep, have questions about their own mental health. Well, really, get an orgasm at night, asleep, without any stimulation, is not it strange? In fact, "criminal" nothing in this, at least, it is to such an opinion the scientists are inclined. Statistics state that 68% of women see erotic dreams about 5 times a month, while 35% of women get an orgasm during sleep. What is associated with such experiences is difficult to say, since there is no obvious connection between the intensity of a woman's sexual life and erotic experiences in a dream. Some women get thus a lack of sexual feelings, for example, during long trips of the husband. Others, having a man at their side, completely unwilling to be close to him, suddenly wake up from a prolonged orgasm at night. And the first such experiences in a dream can occur in girls as early as adolescence. The truth in this case, everything is written off for hormonal reorganization.

Especially it is necessary to tell about an orgasm in a dream at pregnancy. Some future moms are very worried about this. In fact, this phenomenon can hurt the baby? In this issue, doctors are unanimous - if there is no threat of abortion and other complications, then orgasm, whether in a dream or in reality, will only be useful to both the pregnant woman and the child.

What can erotic dreams tell?

According to the results of scientific studies of erotic dreams (yes, and such were conducted), it was concluded that such dreams are regularly seen by women at the age of 20-25 and after 40 years, it is these periods that are generally considered sexually unsatisfied. But still, what do sex dreams mean or is it just trying to relax the tired brain? In the answer to this question classification of similar dreams will help us. It is accepted to distinguish three groups: explicit, symbolic and abnormal dreams. Let's talk about each type in more detail.

  1. Explicit dreams. These dreams demonstrate your desires, which for some reason you can not carry out, or even tell about them you do not dare. For example, you really want to have sex with an attractive boss, but you can not do it (he has a wife, three children, and you are not free). Here your body and tries to fulfill your desire even in a dream. Also, such dreams occur in a person for a long time deprived of sex. The longer the abstinence, the more often the dreams, they are a demonstration of sexual tension, which can not be removed in reality. And dreams of this nature can reflect sexual desires, which you in real life can not realize. So often ladies see sex with two men, oral sex, sex with a casual acquaintance, etc.
  2. Symbolic dreams. Characteristic for people who, by virtue of their upbringing, consider sex a dirty and unworthy occupation. Such complexes are expressed in dreams not of an explicit erotic content, their brains encrypts into various characters. For example, driving a car, flying, falling, inspecting (presence inside) a waterfall, the presence of phallic objects - bananas, cucumbers, etc.
  3. Abnormal dreams. This category includes dreams that come to a 100% heterosexual person, about his participation in sex with same-sex partners. Do not consider this a manifestation of your secret desires, it is not always so. For example, a woman may get a chance to see sex with a girl because of lack of caress, attention and positive emotions. In this there is nothing wrong, moreover, the doctors concluded that erotic dreams help a woman cope with depression.