Canary care

Canaries are considered the most unpretentious in terms of care among poultry. However, even for them you need to look after them competently, observing all the rules.

Canaries description

Canary Islands are considered the birthplace of canaries, from where these wonderful birds came to our house. The length of canaries is about 11 to 23 cm, depending on the sex and bird species. The canary is distinguished by a short pincer beak and a rounded shaped head. Some selection forms also have small curls or a tuft. The most common plumage is yellow. But these birds are possible and other colors.

Canaries differ not only in the variety of forms and colors, but also in their soothing singing. The main varieties of canaries:

  1. Decorative:
  • Colored:
  • Songs:
  • Canary content

    You need to be prepared for the fact that the bird will be bored in the new place for the first two weeks. Each canary in its own way adapts to the new conditions, at first it should not be bothered: find the most peaceful place and let the bird get accustomed.

    A separate cell is needed for the male, and the females get along well together. Cage with a bird is better to put in a light, not through, inaccessible to children and pets. From a draft, canaries can get sick and even die.

    Cages for canaries

    It is very important in the care of a canary - it is a house for her, which must have a certain inventory and dimensions. The shape of the cell is rectangular, approximate dimensions: width - 55, height - 45, depth - 30 cm. Round canary cells do not suit - they are inconvenient for birds to fly from perch to perch.

    In the cage should be a drinking bowl, which is recommended to attach closer to the perch, and three feeders:

    It is also worth noting that in new cells the perches are made of plastic, and the birds need wooden 1-1.5 cm in diameter. If the store does not have wooden perches, make them out of twigs of cherry, apple or hazel. For one individual, 2-3 perches are sufficient. In addition, take care of a special bath for bathing, because canaries simply love water.

    All inventory should be purchased at the same time as the cage to check if it is similar in shape and size.

    To the pet pleased you for 10-15 years, how many canaries live, keep the cage clean. To do this, change the special sand on the bottom of the cage, which can be bought at a pet store, every day.

    Feeding canaries

    Proper care for the canary, of course, includes the organization of a rational diet. It is optimal to feed the birds daily, but you can pour it once every 2-3 days in a larger volume. The main food for canaries:

    1. A mixture of grains, sold specifically for canaries, should always be in the trough. Norm to 2 teaspoons per day.
    2. Foods high in animal protein, for example, low-fat cottage cheese or boiled egg. It is extremely relevant in the period of reproduction and moulting in canaries. Such food is offered to birds up to 2 times a week.
    3. Vitamin food, such as grated carrots, greens, apples. These products are allowed to give the bird up to 3 times a week.
    4. Mineral top dressing: large river sand and charcoal to improve digestion of birds, egg shell as a source of calcium.

    Of course, fresh water should always be in the water bowl. You can use tap water, but only for a day or less.