Eggplant - useful properties

What kind of fruit is this, aubergine? It turns out that this is not a vegetable at all, but the most natural purple berry. Belongs to the Pasolen family, which includes tomato and potatoes. The eggplant grew in Burma, then it got to the Chinese and after that it appeared in Europe. Now it is considered an Italian vegetable, although it was brought there no earlier than the 15th century. Now the eggplant grows everywhere. This heat-loving herb is tasty, beautiful and heavenly.

Usefulness of eggplant

Only one kind of eggplant tells us about its beneficial properties: the fact is that the black color in the world of nature is related to the ability to survive and speaks about the content of therapeutic components in a particular product. The black-violet color of the eggplant is due to the specific anthocyanin content in it, it has a beneficial effect on our brain and, in the long run, it protects against dementia. Anthocyan protects our cells from damage by free radicals, especially it affects the cells that make up the fatty membranes of our nervous structures. Thanks to the content of potassium, "blue" removes excess water from the body, helps fight with swelling, normalizes blood pressure, reduces cardiac dyspnea. A large number of coarse fibers helps normalize the stool, and nicotinic acid activates the metabolism. By the way, the eggplant takes the first place in the content of nicotinic acid and in this with it only tobacco can compete, which is why "blue" can help nicotine-dependent people survive quitting smoking. Also in this product contains a lot of fiber (more than in zucchini, zucchini and even pumpkin), thanks to it in the body significantly reduces cholesterol, even without drugs.

Loss on eggplants

Violet berry is a dietary product, its fruits contain 90% of water and only 4% of sugar. Sitting on a diet, eggplant will become an indispensable product, because as with low caloric content (24 kcal per 100 g) they perfectly saturate the stomach. If the diet is strictly "blue" your body will not feel a deficiency in useful substances, since the aubergines include vitamins A, C, B and PP, as well as iron , potassium, calcium, phosphorus. The maximum result for weight loss can be extracted by eating berries in stewed or baked form, because when cooking, the amount of calories increases. Since this fruit belongs to protein, it is better to take it with vegetables or low-fat meat, this will help diversify your daily diet. From this vegetable you can prepare a considerable amount of dietary dishes, for example: eggplant baked, pate, soup, vegetable stew .

Do not forget to drink plenty of fluids throughout the day, as these fruits remove toxins and harmful substances from the body. If you want to arrange unloading days in the winter season, for example, after the holidays, cook caviar from eggplants, wrap it in jars and benefit from this berry even in winter.