Yohimbine for weight loss

The drug yohimbine is a chemical organic compound containing nitrogen and recognized as a good fat burner. The substance is produced from the evergreen yohimbe tree, which is easy to find in West Africa. Yoghymbin fat burner is legal, it can be purchased at any sports nutrition store or pharmacy. In its natural form, the preparation is a bitter white granule, but for convenience it is often compressed into tablets or encapsulated.

How does yohimbine work for weight loss?

There are different types of this drug, but, in fact, their effect is identical. Yohimbine hydrochloride for weight loss activates the central nervous system and thereby increases the motor activity of a person. It was originally used as an agent for the treatment of impotence, as it causes a rush of blood to the pelvic organs.

Clinical trials have proven that the substance contributes to an active reduction in the fat layer, which manifested itself much more than in people who received the same physical load without using the product.

The action of most fat burners enhances the work of beta receptors that break down fat, but yohimbine for weight loss has a slightly different effect: it suppresses alpha receptors, which, on the contrary, are responsible for the accumulation of fatty layer on the body. It is due to this that the reception of yohombina significantly enhances the effect of diet and exercise.

Yohimbine for Women

After a series of studies it became known that it is the alpha receptors that cause women to lose weight so slowly (especially in the lower part of the body). Therefore, conventional fat burners may not be as effective for the beautiful half of humanity as yohimbine, whose action is directed locally to the necessary type of receptors.

How to take yohimbine?

Dosage is calculated individually: 0.2 mg per kilogram of body weight per day. For a person weighing, for example, 60 kg, the dosage is 12 mg per day. The course of admission lasts from 3 to 10 weeks.

The daily dose is traditionally divided into three doses, they are always taken to an empty stomach, and if there are physical exertion on that day, then one dose is necessarily taken one hour before training.

Take it with food is meaningless, as well as with a diet rich in carbohydrates. During the course of taking the drug, emphasis should be placed on sports and protein foods.

Yohimbine: harm

This drug is a natural product, and its side effects are relatively small - dizziness, tachycardia , headache, redness of the skin. The more you play sports, the less they will manifest. It is not recommended for those who do not exercise at all. Before applying, consult a doctor.