Pasta with chicken

Pasta with chicken is one of the most simple and delicious dishes of Italian cuisine, which can be quickly cooked at home. Recipes of pasta with chicken, presented below, will allow you to surprise all your guests with an unusual and incredibly tasty dish.

Pasta cream with mushrooms and chicken



The first thing you need to do is prepare chicken, for this you need to cut the fillets into small pieces and fry them in a pan until half cooked. Onion should be finely chopped and added to the fillet, then add chopped mushrooms, salt and pepper the dish, and leave it stew for 10 minutes.

When excess moisture evaporates, add cream, bring the mass to a boil and turn off the fire.

We serve pasta with mushrooms and chicken, decorated with greens.

Pasta with smoked chicken

To answer the question how to cook pasta with chicken, which not only adults but children will eat with pleasure, is quite simple. It is enough to repeat the recipe below and prepare for the fact that those wishing to receive the additive will line up in the queue.



The first thing to do is boil the pasta in slightly salted water. While the pasta is brewed, you can do the preparation of the dressing.

To begin with, chop the onion and fry it in vegetable oil until it is transparent, then add the finely chopped breast to the onions, add salt and pepper the ingredients, mix them thoroughly.

After 5 minutes you need to pour the cream into the chicken, gradually add the flour and stir the sauce constantly until it thickens, and it will happen in about 5-7 minutes. The result is a paste with chicken and cream, from which you can not tear yourself away.

Serve with a hot sauce, grated cheese and chopped parsley. Thus, the preparation of pasta with chicken takes no more than 40 minutes.

Pasta with vegetables and chicken

The recipe for cooking pasta with chicken and vegetables is similar in many ways to previous dishes, but it has a special taste and aroma due to the presence of vegetables and a large number of spices. In addition, the vegetables here are ideally combined with each other, turning the most usual lunch or dinner into a real holiday.



In this recipe, you should first start cooking vegetables. To do this, you need to boil the broccoli, peel the pepper from the seeds and cut it into a large straw. Boiled broccoli should be fried with pepper in a frying pan until a ruddy crust appears. After that, they must be mixed with chopped chicken breast and stew for a few more minutes.

With broccoli, you can cook and paste, only in a separate bowl. While half of the ingredients are brewed, prepare the most important part of the dish - sauce. In a separate bowl, mix the oil, finely chopped garlic, basil and salt.

Boiled paste with vegetables served immediately, watering hot sauce.