The bottom of the uterus by weeks of pregnancy

One of the important indicators, which is always in gestation under the supervision of obstetricians, is the height of the standing of the uterus (VDM). This term in obstetrics is usually the distance between the upper point of the pubic symphysis and the highest, palpable point of the uterus (called the bottom). The measurement procedure is performed using a normal centimeter tape, when the pregnant woman is in a horizontal position, lying on her back. The result is indicated in centimeters and recorded in the exchange card. Consider this parameter in more detail and find out: how the height of standing of the uterus bottom changes by weeks of pregnancy.

How does WDM change normally?

After the procedure mentioned above, the doctor compares the results with the rates of the norm. In order to assess the height of the location of the uterine fundus and compare the indicator with the weeks of pregnancy, use a table on which to make a conclusion.

As can be seen from it, VDM almost always coincides with the gestational age in weeks, and differs only by 2-3 units in the greater or lesser direction.

What are the reasons for the discrepancy between the duration of pregnancy?

For starters, it should be noted that the values ​​of the norm of the height of the bottom of the uterus, painted on a weekly basis, are not absolute. In other words, in practice, there is rarely a complete coincidence of the figures obtained with tabular figures.

The thing is that every pregnancy has its own individual characteristics. Therefore, in those cases when the values ​​differ sharply from the norm, additional tests (ultrasound, dopplerometry, CTG ) are prescribed.

If we talk directly about the reasons for the discrepancy, then among these we can distinguish: