George Michael's friend voiced the reason for the death of the singer

George Michael passed away on December 25 last year. The results of the autopsy are still unknown. According to preliminary findings, the death of the musician occurred as a result of a heart attack. A friend of Michael Andros Georgiou is sure that he died because of heavy drugs.

Veil of Secrecy

The death of George Michael in the prime of life at the 54th year of life was a surprise for many. The artist's sassy body was found in the morning in the bed of his house in Oxfordshire.

The sidewalk next to the house of George Michael is now covered with flowers

Light on this story decided to shed the name of the brother of Michael, with whom he was close since childhood. Andros Georgiou came to the Air Force studio, where he answered the questions of TV presenter Victoria Derbyshire.

Andros Georgiou
Andros Georgiou and Victoria Derbyshire on the Air Force channel
George Michael and Andros Georgiou

Dark side

Violating the silence of Andros Georgiou made the desire to bring to justice the people responsible for the death of his brother. The man is sure that George, a few months before the tragedy, returned to the old addictions - in his life again came heavy drugs.

Andros is going to find out who again put Michael on banned drugs, saying that he has bad suspicions about the boyfriend of George Fadi Fawaz, who first saw him dead. Fadi's testimony seems to the cousin of the star to be suspicious, and his grief in social networks is deceitful.

George and his boyfriend Fadi Fawaz

Cause of death

Upset Georgiou said:

"I think that he took too much of a dose of something, mixing it with antidepressants and alcohol. He was visited by thoughts of suicide because of an unstable state of mind, but I know that he did not do it on purpose. "

Also, Andros denied his friend's addiction to heroin, saying:

"I know that heroin was the only drug that he never touched."
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Let's add, earlier Michael had a dependence on smoking cocaine.

George Michael and Andros Georgiou