Azarina - growing out of seeds

Azarin's flower is a liana spread in Mexico, the USA and warm European countries. Recently, it can be found on our private plots. The plant is used as a living fence, it perfectly decorates arbours, fences and even balconies.

Azarine planting and care

The advantages of an exotic vine include the fact that it is rather well cultivated in the open ground and pleases its beautiful flowers all summer and autumn. In addition, the Azarin plant has several types of colors:

Since it is not an easy task to grow Azarin from seeds, seeds are planted in boxes in early February. For planting, a mixture of turf, humus and sand is needed. If you keep the temperature in the room at least 20 degrees, the sprouts can be formed after 2 weeks. But sometimes the seeds need a temperature shake: in the event that the shoots do not appear after 5-6 weeks, the seeds should be placed in the refrigerator for 20-30 days, then put again in a comfortable warm place.

When the seeds give sprouts and a few leaves appear on them, the seedlings of the flowers are dived into small boxes and provide them with support. In the open ground the plants are planted only after the threat of nocturnal frost passes. Azarine flowers appear at the end of June-July.

Growing Azarine for Early Flowering

If you want the plant to please you with its flowers already at the beginning of next summer, the seeds must be sown in June of this year. But you need to think over the wintering of the creeper. For this, a heated loggia or a specially prepared greenhouse is suitable. The temperature in the room should not fall below 8 degrees. Strengthened for a year seedlings can be planted in the open ground in late May. This method of growing Azarin from seeds is long, but it exceeds all expectations: the plant is strong, with a strong trunk, large numerous flowers.

Since during the winter the plant can stretch, it is important to shorten it before landing in the ground. Cropped shoots should not be thrown away - they can be used as cuttings for the further reproduction of the creeper.

Azarina - features of growing and care

A few tips will help you long to admire the flowering of this exotic plant:

  1. The place for planting is better to choose sunny and sheltered from the wind.
  2. It is advisable to soil the soil with loamy soil, it is necessary to form holes and fill drainage .
  3. Seedlings must be planted at a certain distance from each other - no closer than 50 cm.
  4. You can plant flowers in the flowerpots and then they will look like ampel. In the tank planted seedlings and put a support, which is removed when the plants grow into it. Young beautiful shoots after this must be distributed evenly.

Care of the liana is only in weeding, loosening and tying of long stems. Also periodically you need to pinch shoots in order to have more branches. Water the plant sparingly. It is important to fertilize Azarin once every two weeks: nitrogen fertilizers - in the vegetative period, phosphorus-potassium fertilizers - during the flowering period.

The main enemy of the asarya is the aphid . With this dangerous pest you can fight using the infusion of garlic or onions or special remedies. It is also important to protect the vine from the scorching sun.

Growing Azarin from seeds is not so difficult as it seems. Having gained a little patience, you can create an ornament for your own hedge, balcony, house. For flower lovers in vases, it is worth remembering that the liana is not suitable for cutting.