Diaskintest is positive

Diaskintest is a drug that is used to diagnose a disease such as tuberculosis. That is why, in the case where the result of Diaskintest is positive, parents immediately panic. Do not do this, because The diagnosis of "tuberculosis" is usually not based on the results of a single sample.

How to determine that Diaskintest is positive?

Many parents simply do not know what the skin reaction looks like when Diaskintest gives a positive result. If as a result of this test, in its place, after 72 hours, a papule of any size appeared, the result is recognized as such.

When Mummy finds out about her child's positive result of Diaskintest, she simply does not know what to do. In any case, the answer to the test should be given to the doctor - phthisiatrician, who will prompt the algorithm for follow-up.

As a rule, after a child's Diaskintest has turned out to be positive, a whole series of examinations are carried out. Only after this, with all the results, is diagnosed. In this case, the main role in the diagnosis belongs to the X-ray study .

Why Diaskintest can have a false negative result?

This test is not sensitive to the causative agent of bovine tuberculosis - M.bovis. It occurs quite rarely, about 5-15% of all cases of the disease.

Also in the early stages of the disease, this test does not show the presence in the body of the pathogen. That's why it is recommended to repeat it after 2 months.

Thus, a positive reaction to Diaskintest does not give a 100% chance to talk about the presence of an agent in the child's body. As already mentioned above, only the test alone does not establish a definitive diagnosis. That is why, parents should not despair, when a positive result of this test is revealed in the child.