Hemangioma in children

Hemangioma is the most common benign tumor of childhood. It manifests itself in the first days of a baby's life , and in some cases - the first few weeks.

What does hemangioma look like in children? Appearance of the neoplasm depends on how much the upper layers of the skin are affected and what the depth of the lesion is. Therefore, the color of the tumor can be from light pink to dark red.

The shape of the tumor can be very different. At first it rather resembles a slight reddening, which gradually increases in size. The temperature of the affected area is much hotter than the surrounding tissues.

What is dangerous for a baby's hemangioma?

The tumor has the capacity for rapid growth. At the same time, surrounding tissues can be destroyed, which can lead to disruption of the normal functioning of the organs of hearing, vision, breathing, hematopoiesis, etc.

If a cavernous tumor is damaged, there is a high probability of bleeding or infection of the formation.

In addition, parents can be bothered by cosmetic discomfort. Especially if the lesion is located on the face.

Causes of hemangioma in children

Until now, scientists can not unequivocally establish the cause. Most often, such tumors are observed in premature infants.

One possible reason is considered to be malfunctions during the formation of the cardiovascular system in the fetus in the first month of pregnancy.

Such violations can be provoked by a pregnant woman with ARVI or influenza.

Also, many scientists call such a factor as an unfavorable ecological situation.

Types of hemangiomas in children

It is accepted to distinguish four basic types.

  1. The most common are simple hemangiomas. Such a tumor affects only the upper layer of the skin and can grow in width. Its color can be red, bard.
  2. Cavernous hemangioma is localized subcutaneously and is a tumor-like formation. There are tumors in the color of the surrounding skin, and in some cases with a bluish tinge. When coughing or strong crying, neoplasm may increase slightly due to the flow of blood.
  3. Combined hemangioma combines the characteristics of two types - simple and cavernous.
  4. Mixed hemangioma has a very complex structure, which is due to the involvement of various tissues of the child's body - the nervous, vascular and lymphoid.

Treatment of hemangioma in children

The most active period of tumor growth occurs in the first six months of life of the baby. Then the dynamics slow down.

Hemangioma sometimes spontaneously disappears. In some cases, up to a year, from 1 to 5 years, or until the end of the puberty period.

If the tumor does not bring discomfort and does not progress - wait-and-see tactics are possible.

In cases where there is rapid growth or there is a threat to the life of the child, doctors can prescribe the removal of the tumor. Physical removal can be carried out with nitrogen, laser, microwaves.

In the presence of small cavernous formations sclerotherapy is often used successfully.

In cases with extensive lesions of the skin, hormonal treatment is prescribed. Also, a combined treatment combining different methods can be prescribed.

Hemangioma in children requires close attention from parents and doctors. For the most effective treatment, you will need to consult a pediatric surgeon and dermatologist. As a rule, a thorough investigation of the nature of hemangioma is carried out using ultrasound, X-ray and other types of diagnostics.

Timely treatment and modern advances in medicine, in most cases, allow for optimal results.