Divination solitaire - types of fortune telling, how to spread itself into desire, destiny, love?

If you want to spend time interestingly and profitably, then pay attention to guessing patience, which can give answers to various questions. With the help of different hands, you can understand your personal life, look into the future, learn whether the desire will come true and when it happens, and so on.

Solitaire guessing on maps

The name of this logical card game is translated as "patience", because the alignment requires from the person concentration, thoughtful efforts and attentiveness. Conduct a divination of solitaire on relationships, fate, desire, question, work and so on. For the layouts, you can use conventional maps, but only they can not be played, Tarot and special cards with drawings. The latter option can be bought or manufactured independently.

It is important to note that the correctly formulated question has great significance for the truthfulness of the predictions. More often divination solitaire lay out on a concrete situation to understand possible variants of its development. There are a lot of solitaire games that give predictions for 45-60 days. If you count the number of rows, you can roughly understand when the predicted happens.

Guessing is Indian solitaire

The most common is Indian solitaire, for which 25 cards are used. With their help, you can get information on the current situation, so before asking the question ask the question. To conduct the most accurate guessing of solitaire, you should mix and arrange cards in five rows of five cards. After that, turn them around to match the images. It is important not to change the cards in places, that is, only movement around the axis is permissible.

Indian Solitaire - guessing for the future is interpreted on the basis of matched images, the meaning of which can be found here . In this case, it is worth paying attention to the neighboring cards that affect the matched pictures. A "torn" card may be caught, this is when the image coincides through one card. To carry out a qualitative interpretation, it is recommended that they be taken into account.

Fortune Telling is an ancient solitaire game

People liked to play solitaire games from a long time ago, and before that they did more for entertainment. Now this is also a great way to look into the future. There are decks with a different set of pictures, but the rules for carrying out the layout are the same. Ancient guessing of solitaire on love, the future or a question is spent, like the previous one, only need to lay out four cards in five rows. Check the matched pictures and carry out their interpretation (the meaning is there ).

Divination of Solitaire by Madame Recamie

French solitaire games are classics, and this version of fortune telling was named after Julie Rechamier, who was very popular with men, but was faithful to her husband. Divination solitaire Recamere is used to learn about your future and understand the issues of your personal life. The set includes 25 cards, which need to be arranged in five pieces in the same number of rows. After that, turn the cards around their axis, without changing their places, so that eventually the images coincide. In the interpretation only coincident symbols are taken into account, the meaning of which is presented here .

Divination - Gothic Solitaire

This solitaire also has another name - Medieval. It is used to understand the situation and get answers to existing questions. Solving the divination of solitaire is done according to the familiar scheme: distribute the cards in four rows of five pieces, then, if necessary, rotate them around their axis to determine all the matching images. It is worth noting that the symbols that connected without turning show the events of the near future. Interpretation of symbols can be seen here .

Solitaire guessing on Tarot

With the help of Tarot cards you can learn a lot of interesting information about different spheres. Since more often divination is spent to understand the issues of personal life, then consider the layout for this case. Divination of solitaire for today and the future is as follows:

  1. Mix the deck and place it into four piles: the first is the prediction for three months, the second for six, the third for nine and the fourth for the year.
  2. Take the first pile and try to find there the senior arcana Tarot Lovers. If the girl is guessing, then we need to find the King (the suit is made in advance), and if the guy is Damu. If there are no such cards, then go to the other piles.

After this, you can begin the interpretation of divination solitaire:

  1. Lovers and the King (Dame) are found in the first pile - this indicates that the pair is perfect. If they do not exist, the meeting will not occur in the next three months. If in the second pile, then in half a year and so on.
  2. Lovers in the first stop, and the King (Dame) in the second - the partner needs time to sort out his feelings. If the King is in other piles, then you will have to wait a long time, so be patient.
  3. The King (Lady) in the first pile, and Lovers in the second - the partner experiences strong feelings, but the guesser in his doubts. If this lasso in other piles, then you have to understand yourself for a long time.

Solitaire - types of divination

There are many predictions that can be used to understand the situation and get answers to various questions relating to personal life, work and the future. Solve the solitaire of divination by love, fate or another option will be able to anyone who believes in its action. Conducting the layouts should be done alone, so that nothing interferes and does not distract.

Solitaire guessing on love

For this divination, you need to prepare an ordinary deck, but it should not have been used to play before. To learn about the feelings of a partner and understand about the prospects for relationships, you can decompose a simple love solitaire-guessing:

  1. Well shuffle the deck, thinking about your lover. Mentally ask a question about what feelings he feels.
  2. Lay out the cards six in a row, with the pictures up. If laying out the second row, the same cards were found obliquely, then they should be postponed, and in place put the other from the deck.
  3. When the cards are over, collect the ones that did not match and shuffle them. Again, spread out the solitaire, only five cards in a row. Repeat to shift the deck of four, three and two cards.

Divination of solitaire is interpreted by the number of pairs of cards that coincide:

Divination solitaire on desire

To understand whether the cherished desire will come true in the near future, you can conduct a simple guessing:

  1. Pick up a deck of regular cards, mix it and ask a question. It is important that it is clear.
  2. With your left hand, remove the top of the deck from the top and move it down.
  3. To continue the solitaire of fortune telling to fulfill the desire , sequentially distribute the cards to nine piles, laying them face down.
  4. Turn over the top card of each stack and set the card guy aside. Open the cards that are under them. Continue to clean up couples and open new maps as long as this is possible.
  5. If in the end all the cards found a pair, then solitaire is considered productive and the answer to the question is positive. When the divination is interrupted in the middle due to the absence of paired cards, then the answer to the question will be negative.

Solitaire guessing for the future

Want to find out what's ahead, then make a simple layout, taking a pack of 36 cards. Ancient guessing of solitaire for the future is carried out according to this scheme:

  1. Stir the deck and start spreading cards next to each other. If it turns out that the card is located between cards of the same suit or the same denomination, then it must be shifted to the previous one.
  2. Divination solitaire converged, if in the end there are two stacks, consisting of 35 cards and one card. This means that in the future everything will go smoothly. In addition, it is recommended to analyze the first three cards, the meaning of which can be found here.

Solitaire guessing at work

If at work there is some difficult situation and need help, then it can be obtained from the cards. The breakdown of divination of solitaire helps to get an answer to an exciting question, for example, whether it is possible to count on an increase, whether the conflict with colleagues will be resolved, whether it is worth agreeing on a translation, and so on.

  1. Take a pack of 52 cards, mix them, and lay them down in one pile.
  2. After that, turn one card over, saying aloud: an ace, a deuce, a triplet, and so on to the king.
  3. When the open card coincides, it must be postponed. If no cards match, then the situation at work will only worsen.
  4. If several cards are out, then the remaining ones can be mixed and repeated all over again. You can spread the cards three times. If during this time all the cards are out, then everything will be fine.

Solitaire guessing the answer to the question

With the help of the presented solitaire, you can understand many questions, the main thing is that the answer to them is unambiguous, that is, either "yes" or "no." First mentally ask a question and start performing a simple solitaire guessing:

  1. Shuffle the deck and distribute it in four rows of nine cards face down. The rows correspond to the colors in this order: clubs, tambourines, hearts and peaks. From top to bottom - ranks, from the six and to the ace.
  2. The first card opens, which turned out to be extreme in the bottom row on the right. Focusing on its face value and suit, it should be shifted to the right place. Turning over the map that was lying there.
  3. Repeat such manipulations until the ace of ace is opened. If all the cards have already fallen into place, then the answer to the question is positive, and if not, then negative.

Solitaire fortune telling

With this help you can find useful information about your life. Solitaire fortune-telling fortune-telling is done with an ordinary 36-card deck. First, select the map that represents the person who is guessing. Women should choose a lady: worms - light, tambourines - light with dark eyes and crosses - dark. Men should choose a king with the same values.

  1. Stir the cards and arrange them into four rows of three cards. Find your card among them.
  2. Analyze the columns from left to right. If the card was in the first - a guessing person can not let go of the past, which has an impact on the present and the future. When in divination solitaire "own" card appeared in the middle column, it means that a person lives in the present. If the map was in the last column, then ahead are attractive prospects.
  3. Maps lying next to "their" will help you to find useful information.