Decoupage of coffee cans

Empty cans of coffee - this is a wonderful and multifunctional object made of metal or glass that can be used for different needs: baking Easter cakes, storing loose products and various small things, as well as flower pots or vases.

Since the external jar picture is not always suitable for a particular use, its front part is usually subjected to alterations. In the article you will learn how to make decoupage of coffee cans.

Master class 1: decoupage of a metal coffee can

It will take:

  1. We rip off the label, wash the jar with soap, let it dry and go over the external surface with sandpaper.
  2. Cover the sides of the jar with two layers of white paint and allow to dry.
  3. In the glass we dilute the PVA glue with water in the ratio 1: 1.
  4. We wrap the jar with a napkin and cut off the excess.
  5. We moisten the brush (sponge) in the diluted glue and read the glue on the napkin to the jar, holding the brush over it and pressing it with your fingers slightly in the places where the jar has grooves. If the napkin breaks, then do not worry, just add a single-toned piece in that place and apply it again with a glue solution.
  6. We cut out additional elements of the pattern from the napkin and paste it in those places where there was no drawing.
  7. We pass again glue on the surface and let it dry.
  8. Cover the top with varnish in two layers.
  9. The lid is decorated with stickers, ribbons, braid and other decor elements.

Our renewed bank of coffee, made in the technique of decoupage, ready!

Technique decoupage can be used to make cans with a decor of coffee beans or other elements. They are very beautiful and will be excellent decorative elements for the kitchen. If you make a decoupage of a glass coffee can, then you can use it as a vase or candlestick.