In Malaysia bake cakes, on which you can squeeze ... pimples!

You will not believe, but even until recently, the famous confectionery in Kuala Lumpur specialized exclusively in making and baking traditional sweets - beautiful cakes, mouth-watering cakes, sweet donuts and other delicious things.

But after one rather strange order, the confectioners of "Cakescape" had to change direction of activity a little, because it became incredibly popular and in demand.

Carefully, what you see can shock you!

So, this strange order was a pie with acne, which you could squeeze out and eat!

No, not even so - confectioners baked a cake in the form of a woman's face, "sprinkled" with pimples and abscesses, each of which could be squeezed with two fingers, until the "purulent" custard comes out, and then everything is eaten. Well, if by that time the appetite does not disappear ...

The most amazing thing is that today "Cakescape" simply does not have a release for making this dessert. And it's like a trend. Trend, to which we are completely unprepared!