Hemp oil - properties and application

Until then, as cannabis was officially recognized as a narcotic drug, hemp oil was widely used in cooking, comparable to the way sunflower is used today. At the moment, cultivation and processing of this plant is under way, but, on a limited scale, and yet hemp oil can be found on the shelves of health food stores or beauty shops.

Hemp seed oil is produced from plant seeds, usually by cold pressing without refining. It has a pleasant aroma, somewhat similar to nutty, slightly flavored with light acidity, light green color. In the hemp oil is a large number of unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other nutrients. Let's consider in more detail, what useful properties are endowed with hemp oil, and what are the indications for its use in cosmetology and medicine.

Healing properties of hemp oil

Unique balanced chemical composition of cannabis oil causes numerous useful properties of this product, including:

Indications for use of hemp oil

The healing properties of hemp oil can be used for a variety of diseases, as well as for preventive purposes to maintain health and beauty. This product can be consumed both internally and externally. Internal application of oil from the seeds of cannabis will be invaluable in the following pathologies:

1. Infectious-inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract:

2. Problems of the female genital area and urinary system:

3. Diseases of the digestive system:

4. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system:

5. Diseases of the heart, blood vessels, blood:

6. Avitaminosis, weakened immunity.

Hemp oil is useful for taking in pregnant and lactating mothers, which will favor the normal development of the child's organism, improve lactation. In most cases, the remedy is advised to be ingested daily in a teaspoon, and for prevention - in the same dosage, but only twice a week.

The external application of oil extracted from cannabis seeds is useful for various dermatological diseases:

In addition, this tool is used externally for burns, mastopathy, diseases of the spine and joints. Oil is used for lubrication, grinding, compresses.

Cosmetic application of hemp oil consists in applying to the skin of the face and body for the purpose of nutrition, moisturizing,

Hemp oil in oncology

The properties of hemp oil are also used in such a serious condition as oncology. Incorporation of it as part of complex therapy helps to restore the immune system and the whole organism after chemotherapy and radiotherapy, to reduce the side effects of these treatment methods.