Dandruff in dogs - causes and treatment

Sometimes dandruff in a dog speaks about serious problems, therefore it is necessary to reveal the reasons and prescribe a treatment. It can become evidence of chronic diseases, so you need to consult a veterinarian for advice.

What to do when the dog showed dandruff?

When dandruff (seborrhea) occurs in the dog's hair, numerous white scales appear. In this case, the work of the sebaceous glands of the animal is disrupted. Failure can occur from many factors, so why the dog had dandruff, a specialist should determine. It can be caused by allergies , stress, parasites, hormonal imbalance or liver damage.

Normal dryness of the skin or stress are not dangerous, when the animal calms down, dandruff will pass. Daily skin massage with a brush will help to remove seborrhea, which has arisen because of the dryness of the skin.

Changing the diet will relieve dandruff, which has appeared from allergies or unbalanced food.

Often, seborrhea occurs during molting , and when this period ends, the animal has itching and dandruff.

More serious reasons - a hair mite, eczema, skin dermatitis will help to identify the doctor and tell you what in that case to treat dandruff in a dog. Any ailment from diabetes mellitus to a painful kidney condition can lead to seborrhea. Since dandruff is only a symptom, it is necessary to cure the underlying disease.

If the animal does not have a serious illness, as a rule, multivitamins and a therapeutic shampoo - Seborin, Nizoral, Sebozol, Stronghold, Front Line - will help the dog to get rid of dandruff. When using it, leave the detergent on the animal's coat for 10 minutes for medical treatment, then rinse thoroughly.

In addition, it is necessary to balance fats in the body of the pet, supplement the diet with Omega acids. Vitamin A should be used in nutrition. It eliminates inflammation of the skin and eliminates dandruff.

You can rinse the animal with a solution of vinegar. With small infections of the skin, it kills a large number of bacteria - yeast fungi, staphylococci.

In the treatment of dandruff help rinsing from herbs - chamomile, nettle, burdock root, mother-and-stepmother.

To prevent seborrhea in the dog, it is necessary to feed it properly, monitor the condition of the coat and skin, destroy the parasites in time and systematically bring the pet to the vet for examination.