Monocytes are lowered

Many people are extremely interested in knowing their blood test results, and therefore after getting a coupon with results on their hands, they try to study it carefully. And at this moment it does not matter at all that the patient's name and the phrase "blood test" will be understandable on paper. But the interest in the results of the survey is absolutely justified, since based on their significance, important conclusions can be drawn. It is worth to take a closer look at the line indicating the number of monocytes. Exiting the number of monocytes out of the normal range can mean the presence of a very serious disease, which you just need to learn as soon as possible.

The norm of monocytes in the blood

An adult, whether a woman or a man, usually has a monocyte level within 3-11% of the total number of leukocytes to which they belong (that is, 450 cells per 1 ml of blood). Such a result is considered the norm. The level of monocytes differs for people of different ages and nationalities. However, in the second case, the differences will be quite insignificant than when comparing monocytes in an adult and a child.

An increase in the level of monocytes may indicate the presence of a cancer, sepsis or an ordinary fungal disease . If monocytes are below the normal value, the reasons for this can be purulent processes in the body or shock. It is worth more detail on the causes, because of which monocytes are lowered.

The causes of a decrease in the level of monocytes in the blood

The phenomenon in which monocytes in the blood are lowered is called monocytopenia. When a blood test indicates that monocytes are lowered in an adult, the reasons for this may be as follows:

Sometimes monocytes can be lowered in women at the first time after childbirth, especially if labor was severe. It is very important to regularly check the number of monocytes in the blood during pregnancy, because a deviation from the norm can have a detrimental effect on the future child.

Blood test to determine the level of monocytes

As a rule, to determine the level of monocytes, it is necessary to donate blood from the finger on an empty stomach, so that the results are not affected by sugar and other food components. If a significant deviation from the norm is found, the analysis is usually retaken to confirm the results, and only then treatment is prescribed.

Treatment of monocytopenia

If the blood test shows that monocytes are lowered, then you should definitely consult with your doctor. It is better to do it in the near future to rule out the progression of the disease in the event of its presence.

Treatment of monocytopenia consists in eliminating the causes that gave rise to it. Depending on the specific case, the attending physician can prescribe or vice versa cancel the medications, advise to adhere to a certain diet. Sometimes surgical intervention may be required.

Maintaining the level of monocytes within the limits of the norm is extremely important, since they play the role of defenders and destroyers of foreign agents. Monocytes fight infectious and fungal diseases, and even with cancerous tumors. Therefore, it is worth to carefully treat the results of the blood test, especially if its indicators do not correspond to the required value.