Tablets from worms for dogs

Like any other animal, dogs are prone to various diseases. One of the most common ailments of these pets is helminthiasis, or, more simply, worms.

Unlike cats, dogs tolerate parasite infestation less noticeably, and this causes a great danger to the health of pets. As soon as the owners notice that the pet suffers from helminthiasis, the question immediately arises: what kind of pills should be given from the worm to the dog? For today there is a wide choice of such preparations. Among them, pills are the most popular. Tablets for dogs from worms, like other medicines, have their own specific spectrum and nature of action. How to choose the right medicine for your dog and how to treat it correctly, you will find in our article.

Worms in the dog - symptoms and treatment

The first call about parasitic infection of the pet in most cases is a decrease or, on the contrary, an increase in appetite, alternation of diarrhea with constipation, weight loss, hiccup after eating, possible vomiting, skin problems, dermatitis, deterioration of appearance and condition. The most striking feature of helminthiasis in dogs is "riding" on the floor (the pet scratches the anus), and the presence of larvae or dead parasites in the faeces of the animal.

If all the symptoms coincide, and you do not know what to do, if the dog has worms, consult a specialist immediately. After parasites living in the body of an animal, do not allow it to function normally, literally selecting all the useful incoming substances, instead giving the pet harmful toxins, so they need to be disposed of as soon as possible.

What should I do if my dog ​​has worms?

At the first obvious symptoms of helminthiosis in an animal should consult a veterinarian. The doctor will tell you in detail what to do if the dog has worms, and will prescribe the right drugs for the most effective treatment, after preliminary testing. In fact before to appoint or nominate treatment, it is necessary to know with what particularly parasites it is necessary to struggle.

Of the many tablets from worms for adult dogs, the most popular are: Kanikvatel, Drontal plus, Vermox, Dronzid, Azinoks, Helminal, Advocate, Polyverkan, Stronghold. As a rule, everyone has a standard dosage: 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight. Giving a drug to adult dogs is a little easier - just put antihelminth in a piece of minced meat or any other favorite treats and give your pet something to eat. If such a number does not pass, then a more radical method is used. Place the tablet on the root of the dog's tongue, and clamp firmly on the jaw. When the pet swallows the medicine, you can give him a treat. Repeated reception of tablets from worms for dogs is carried out only with a strong infection, after 10 days. And to prevent the emergence of helminths, regular prophylaxis should be carried out every 2-3 months.

To the puppy does not choke a piece of the pill, it is best to grind it into powder and mix it with a little water. In liquid form, a tablet for dogs from worms is injected into the mouth with a syringe without a needle. The medicine is poured on the sides of the jaw, then the mouth is closed, and the animal swallows it. After the procedure, you can give the pet a treat .

As a rule, all antiparasitic drugs have a standard dosage: 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight. Giving a drug to adult dogs is a little easier - just put antihelminth in a piece of minced meat or any other favorite treats and give your pet something to eat. If such a number does not pass, then a more radical method is used. Place the tablet on the root of the dog's tongue, and clamp firmly on the jaw. When the pet swallows the medicine, you can give him a treat. Repeated reception of tablets from worms for dogs is carried out only with a strong infection, after 10 days. And to prevent the emergence of helminths, regular prophylaxis should be carried out every 2-3 months.