Folk remedies from the Colorado potato beetle

Colorado beetle refers to the most dangerous pests, capable of causing significant harm to the potato crop. It multiplies in huge quantities and it is very difficult to destroy. Therefore, every year many truck farmers are puzzled by the question: what measures to combat the Colorado beetle?

Folk remedies from the Colorado potato beetle

It will be best to use methods of combating the Colorado beetle without chemistry . The use of chemicals is undesirable, because when they get to the plant, they are inside it, and then in the food we eat.

Therefore, the best option is folk remedies, from both the Colorado beetle and its larvae. Among them are the following methods:

  1. Mechanical - collecting beetles and larvae by hand. Suitable for small plots. Beetles should be placed in a jar with brine. It is not recommended to destroy them, squashing them in the inter-row spaces.
  2. Powdered bushes sifted with ashes . It is preferable to use birch ashes, it is most effective. The process should be carried out in the early morning hours, when there is still dew on the bushes, or after the end of the rain. The process is carried out before the flowering of the potato 1 time in 2 weeks, and after it - 1 time per month.
  3. Powdered with corn flour . It has the property of swelling, so eating it with a bug leads to its death. Powdering is carried out in the morning.
  4. Powdered with gypsum or cement . This method is successfully used against the beetle larvae.
  5. Sprinkling between rows of sawdust from birch or pine . In this case, the beetle scares off the smell. The process is carried out once every 2 weeks before the flowering of the plant and once a month after it.

It is very effective to carry out sprayings with various infusions, including:

To make infusions use components in different proportions for 10 liters of water, they are infused over a period of time and filtered. An additional advantage will be the addition of laundry soap, which will promote better adhesion of solutions to the leaves of plants.

When spraying with infusions, the following points should be considered:

In addition, it is very common to fight the Colorado beetle with folk remedies using mustard. To do this, use the following a recipe that is considered very effective. In 10 liters of water dilute 1 kg of dry mustard, add 100 ml of vinegar (9%), mix and spray.

The most effective means of combating the Colorado potato beetle is its use against itself. The beetles and their larvae contain poison. During manual collection, 0.5 liter of pest is accumulated, poured into 10 liters of water and covered tightly with a lid. Since the lowering of all the beetles to the bottom, the remedy is ready. It takes about 4-6 days. Before use, the resulting composition should be diluted (for 1 liter of infusion of 2 liters of water).

Applying complex measures against the Colorado potato beetle, you can protect your harvest from its effects.