Root of Air for Hair

Air marsh is one of the most popular and universal medicinal plants. Preparations based on it are used for a variety of diseases: rheumatism, gastrointestinal disturbances, non-healing wounds, tuberculosis, liver dysfunction, etc. The root of the aura is also useful, and for hair - how to make curls strong and dense with the help of a decoction from this plant.

Healing properties of ara

The root contains an essential oil, which includes glycosides, phytoncides, acetic and valeric acid. Also in the underground part of the plant, starch, iodine, ascorbic acid and trace elements are found.

Preparations based on this raw material have:

In medicine, tincture of the root of ara is most often used, but alcohol preparations are not suitable for hair care, therefore for these purposes use a decoction.

Rinsing hair

To restore healthy shine to hair, rinsing with natural conditioner is useful: the decoction of the root of the calamus is diluted with warm water and dipped in it with curls at the end of washing the head.

For the preparation of a medicinal product:

  1. Take 2 tablespoons of ground raw material.
  2. Pour a glass of hot water and allow to pour for about 10 minutes.
  3. After filtering add another glass of warm water.

Depending on the length of the hair, you can increase the amount of rinse aid, observing proportions.

This product from the root of the aura helps with hair loss, strengthens bulbs, makes the hair thicker.

Air and apple cider vinegar

If hair loss occurs very intensively, prepare a similar decoction, only not on water, but on apple cider vinegar (500 ml). In it put 4 spoons of the dried up and grinded raw materials, allow to leave means 15 minutes. Daily rubbing of such a preparation from the root of aura is effective against hair loss, which becomes not only stronger and thicker, but also softer, because rinsing in an acidic environment is a classic for caressing curls.

Healing fees with aura

The use of this plant in combination with other herbs provides a synergistic effect, so it is useful for the hair to use the root of the aura in the collection. To do this, take:


  1. All components are taken equally (1 spoon) and poured 1 liter of hot water.
  2. After that, the remedy is insisted for at least an hour (preferably in a thermos bottle).
  3. Ready infusion rubbed before going to sleep in the scalp.

Equally beneficial is the combination of only the roots of burdock and aira - a decoction of them is prepared from the calculation of 4 tablespoons of raw materials (in equal proportions) for 500 ml. The recipe means boiling (15 minutes) and infusion under the heater (6 - 7 hours). The product is used for rubbing or rinsing, and it is indispensable if there is an allergy to apple cider vinegar.