The secret wedding of the star of the "Games of Thrones" by Jason Momoa and Lisa Bonet

Against the backdrop of sexual scandals and the madness that engulfed Hollywood, there is room for happiness and love in it! The other day it became known about the official wedding of the star of the series "Games of the Thrones" by Jason Momoa and Lisa Bonet. You thought they were already married? You are not alone! As it turned out, the couple lived for all 12 years and brought up two kids without stamps and marriage contracts!

All the paparazzi and journalists were completely surprised at the event, they did not get any photos, no body movements to prepare for the ceremony - the event was secret from all curious at the highest level! As we have already noted, all the journalists were sure that the wedding took place back in 2007.

The couple brings up two children

And yet, what did you learn? The wedding took place about a month ago in the Californian mansion of a couple in Topanga. Insiders report different numbers and dates of the ceremony, so even the journalists of the all-knowing tabloid Us Weekly could not get accurate information. One of the couple's friends said that in early October, Jason and Lisa received documents about registering a marriage in one of the counties of Los Angeles and then, in record time, organized a private party about this. Among the invited were only the closest friends and representatives of a large family, including Zoe Kravitz, Alicia Vikander, Michael Fassbender and many other distinguished guests.

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Let's look a few years earlier. The couple met in 2005 and after that did not part. As Jason recalled in an interview, he fell in love with Lisa at first sight and was ready to roll mountains, only to get her into his wife. Well, he did!