Games for children 2-3 years old

A small child needs different games like air. It is during the game that the crumb learns something new, learn to work with their pens, begins to understand the cause-effect relationships and so on.

In this article we will tell you about what games to play with kids at the age of 2-3 years, so that they fully developed and constantly sharpened their skills.

Logopedic games for children 2-3 years old

Toddlers up to 3 years very often pronounce some words incorrectly, omitting the last syllables or completely replacing them with others. For the full development of speech with children at this age, it is necessary to constantly do exercises of articulatory gymnastics, which are preferable to submit in a game form, for example:

  1. The Fife. Show the child a real pipe, play on it, and then ask the crumb to represent this musical instrument with the help of hands. Simulating the game on the pipe, say the sound of "doo doo doo," and let the kid repeat for you.
  2. "Guests." Together with the baby, build a small house of a designer and put a doll in it. Let other toys come to the doll to visit, and the crumb will sound all that they "say". Show the child, like a dog, a frog or a donkey call the hostess, and ask the child to repeat for you.
  3. "Repeat". Pronounce various words that are already familiar to the baby, first softly, then loudly, and ask the crumb to repeat after you and the word, and intonation. Such exercises contribute to the development of speech and auditory perception.

Story games for children 2-3 years old

Subject, or role-playing games for children of 2-3 years are, perhaps, the most important and interesting. Getting into a certain profession or the role that is assigned to him in the game, the kid begins to feel older and more confident. Most likely, your baby will like the following games:

  1. "Aibolit." For this game you will need a set of a young doctor and a few soft toys that will come to him at the reception. Teach your child to measure the temperature of animals, put mustard plasters, and also give out tablets and medicines.
  2. "Mother's Daughters." Everyone knows the game, when an adult and a child change places.

Environmental games for children 2-3 years old

Ecological games are designed to help the kid to know the world surrounding his nature, as well as animals and animals. Suggest crumbs such games as:

  1. "Find the same." During the golden autumn walk, together with the child, collect the fallen leaves from different trees. Then lay them out in front of the baby, pick up a maple leaf or oak and ask the crumb to find the same.
  2. "Beasts and birds." Prepare cards with images of different birds and animals. First, together with the baby, carefully consider them, find in each animal eyes, tail, wings and so on. Then ask the child to sort out all the cards into two categories - animals and birds.

Puzzle games for children 2-3 years old

Develop a child's logic and mathematical thinking is extremely important at any age. For the youngest children, the following logical games are great:

  1. "Sorting". Together with the baby lay out certain objects, for example, buttons, beads, pasta, etc. in size, shape, color and any other signs.
  2. "Fold the picture." Help the child collect a puzzle of 2-4 large items. As a mosaic, you can use the usual picture, cut into several parts.
  3. "Guess what it is?". In this game, offer the kid to guess the object by its contour.

In addition, for children 2-3 years old who go to kindergarten, adaptive games are very important. It is quite difficult for a small child to radically change his life and adapt to completely new conditions, which is why parents and educators should make considerable efforts to overcome the tension that the kids have. For the most rapid adaptation to the children's collective and educator, the simplest games, such as hide and seek, catch-up, search for objects in the room and others, will do.