Signs of pregnancy girl

Only after learning about what will become a mother, a woman starts to think - who will she appear, a boy or a girl. The same thoughts are visited and her partner, as well as all relatives. In fact, until the ultrasound, which will be able to recognize the sex of the fetus, is still so far away, and not always the baby agrees to turn so that one can discern his sex. Therefore, especially if parents dream of their daughter, parents are eager to find out what signs of pregnancy a girl is singled out among the people, and whether they always coincide with reality.

First signs of pregnancy girl

First of all, it is believed that the girl "takes" the future mother's beauty. Almost immediately, with the onset of pregnancy, such signs of pregnancy as a girl may appear, like a puffy and swollen face, a changed skin tone, the appearance of skin rashes and so on. All this may be due to simple and physiological reasons, and may also indicate that the future mother is waiting for her daughter.

Toxicosis in pregnancy girl

The presence of toxicosis during pregnancy does not depend on the sex of the baby, but its duration may indicate who exactly you are waiting for. It is believed that a more prolonged and debilitating toxicosis is typical for those who wait for a girl, often nausea and poor health accompanies mother all pregnancy. It is much easier to wait for a boy in this regard. It is said that pregnant women with girls are leaning on sweets and ice cream, and those who wait for boys, on the contrary, prefer meat. Some even pull on beer and alcoholic beverages, which, of course, in this position are prohibited.

The shape of the abdomen when a girl is pregnant

As a rule, when a girl is pregnant, the shape of the abdomen is stubborn, the mum has almost no waist, and from the back it is clearly visible that she is pregnant. However, it is sometimes correct to determine which form of the abdomen of the mother is acutely or stupid, since the muscular corset of each woman has its own, and hence the growing abdomen develops in different ways. The abdomen during pregnancy by the girl can be considerably protruded, but the form itself will still be a blunt-nosed.

Other features of pregnancy girl

However, often this is not enough, and future moms are looking for what signs of pregnancy a girl can still confirm their guesses. There are many such people among people's voices that can not be explained at all. For example, if dad prefers free underwear, then he will have a girl, and others. Of course, the result is likely to be different each time.

It is much easier to determine who a woman will have, a boy or girl, giving birth repeatedly. If the pregnancy does not differ in its course from the previous ones, then, most likely, the sex will be the same, if the woman feels a noticeable difference, then the sex will be opposite. Symptoms of pregnancy in a girl and a boy are manifested in different ways, because already from the very first days of pregnancy the male or female fetus starts to allocate various kinds of hormones into the blood. That is why it is easier to determine the sex even without ultrasound.

On the one hand, all the signs of the conception of the girl are very conditional. Even ultrasound can be mistaken, and it often happens that the parents are waiting for the girl, and already in childbirth it turns out that in fact they have a son. But at the same time, my mother always feels who it is, so if all the signs coincide, and you yourself are sure that you are waiting for the daughter, you can safely trust your intuition. It is unlikely that she will fail. And if the ultrasound during pregnancy confirms the girl, you will know that they believed their intuition knowingly.