Bronchial cancer - symptoms, prognosis and treatment at all stages of the disease

Over the past few decades, the number of cases when the diagnosis of "bronchial cancer" was diagnosed several times. In this pathological process, the formation of neoplasms from the integumentary epithelium and bronchial glands, which have a malignant character.

Bronchial Cancer - Causes

There is a certain list of factors that can provoke the development of oncological process in the bronchi.

  1. Malignant tumors are formed during the regeneration of healthy tissues. Why this happens doctors have not yet found an exact explanation.
  2. A tumor in the bronchi can develop due to smoking , since nicotine can damage the mucosa in the airways. In addition, the temperature disrupts the process of cell division, which leads to a rapid development of the neoplasm.
  3. Work in poor conditions, for example, in a mine, at a chemical plant or at a nuclear power plant.
  4. Presence of chronic diseases, scars on the lungs after treatment of tuberculosis and so on.

Types of bronchus cancer

There are two main types of tumors arising in the bronchi:

  1. The situation, when the neoplasms concern only the share and segmental parts, indicates the central cancer of the bronchi. In this case, the tumor grows rapidly inside the organ.
  2. Peripheral cancer of the bronchi in women and men is accompanied by neoplasia of the distal parts of the respiratory tract. This type of disease for a long time is asymptomatic.

Squamous cell carcinoma of the bronchi

Epidermal cancer is the most common and with it the formation is formed from large flat cells that are spirally or polar. A tumor can be of a small degree of differentiation, with or without keratinization. Squamous cell carcinoma of the bronchus has a high malignancy and often the prognosis is unfavorable and low survival.

Small cell carcinoma of the bronchi

An undifferentiated type of cancer, in which formation grows infiltrative, and in most cases the tumor originates directly in the lung. It consists of small cells, without signs of multilayer epithelium. They are in the form of a garland or a path. In some cases, small-celled cancer produces extensive metastases, and aggressively spreads to nearby tissues.

This form of the disease is about 20-25% of all diagnostic species and is directly related to smoking. It is worth noting the high aggressiveness of such a cancer of the bronchi, as the tumor metastasizes to distant organs, for example, the adrenal glands, brain and bones. Malignant formation is inoperable, therefore, chemotherapy and radiation therapy are used in the treatment.

Large cell carcinoma

In this form, the formation consists of large cells. There are two types of cancer: with the release of mucus and with cavities filled with atypical cells. Large cell carcinoma is a disease that manifests itself least often, and this is for the better, since the lethal outcome is observed in the early stages. Oncologists note that the formation of this type affects passive smoking and prolonged drug dependence.

Bronchial adenocarcinoma

Ironic cell carcinoma is characterized by the appearance of a tumor with a well-formed structure. It is peculiar to the production of mucus. The tumor occurs in the peripheral part of the lung, and in the first stages the symptoms do not appear. Bronchial adenocarcinoma metastasizes into the brain. When diagnosing the tumor in the early stages, it can be removed by performing an operation.

Cancer of the bronchi - symptoms

Immediately it is worth mentioning that the growth of the tumor takes a long time, therefore, until the first specific symptoms are determined from the onset of the disease, not one year passes. Finding out how the cancer of the bronchi is manifested, it is worth noting that according to clinical signs the following stages are distinguished:

  1. Biological. At this initial stage, there are no clinical and radiological signs. When performing fluorography, one can see changes in the pulmonary structure.
  2. Asymptomatic. There is a development of the first signs, which are determined during the X-ray.
  3. Stage of clinical manifestations. The patient notices various symptoms and the disease is already actively developing.

In the second and third stages, there may be changes in the human condition that are characteristic of other diseases, for example, in ARVI, pneumonia, and so on. In the late stages of cancers, signs of pulmonary insufficiency are detected, the appearance of shortness of breath, chest pain and problems in the work of the heart.

Bronchial cancer - symptoms, early symptoms

Many oncological diseases have nonspecific first signs, so patients rarely come to the doctor at the first stages of the disease, when treatment is most effective. Symptoms of bronchial cancer at an early stage: coughing, decreased performance and chronic fatigue , weight loss and appetite. After a while, the signs of respiratory failure gradually increase. The first symptoms of bronchial cancer include the appearance of painful sensations when the tumor grows into surrounding tissues.

Stages of a cancerous tumor

There are 4 stages of the development of the disease and each has its own symptoms. Doctors say that the treatment will give results only in the first two stages and the sooner the signs of bronchial cancer are detected, the better the prognosis.

  1. Stage number 1. Neoplasm does not reach in diameter more than 3 cm. In most cases, it is localized in the segmental bronchus, but metastasis is not observed.
  2. Stage number 2. Metastases begin to spread to regional lymph nodes. The diameter of the formations reaches 6 cm.
  3. Stage number 3. At this stage, the tumor becomes even more in the bronchi, the symptoms are manifested and metastasis is already observed in the lymph nodes. Another important point - the oncological process passes to the neighboring bronchus.
  4. Stage number 4. Symptoms of cancer pleurisy and metastases develop in other important organs. At 4 stages, bronchial cancer has an unfavorable prognosis. Education is inoperable, and treatment will consist of radiation and chemotherapy .

Bronchial cancer - diagnosis

To confirm or refute the diagnosis, doctors use such diagnostic methods: CT, MRI and X-ray. They help to identify not only the presence, but also the location and volumes of the tumor. It helps to determine the cancer of bronchi X-rays and other techniques, and the diagnosis necessarily includes a general blood test to find out the level of leukocytes and the parameters of ESR. Important cytological research, because it helps determine the nature of education.

Cancer of the bronchi - treatment

To help the patient, doctors use conservative and surgical methods of treatment. The first group includes radiation therapy, which in the last stages is used together with the operation. Irradiation is carried out for 2 months. and the total dose is up to 70 Gray. To perform tumor removal without anesthesia and complex surgical intervention, doctors, based on individual indicators, can prescribe stereotactic radiosurgery, which uses a cyber-knife. This tool emits radiation that removes the tumor and metastases.

Non-small cell bronchial carcinoma (stage 3 and other complex stages) is treated with chemotherapy. It is used when there is no possibility to carry out the operation. Assign chemotherapy drugs when it is necessary to treat a small cell tumor that is sensitive to such drugs. In non-small cell types, chemotherapy is used to reduce the volume of education and pain, and also restore respiratory functions. Treatment of bronchial cancer with folk remedies is impossible and very dangerous.

Operative intervention can not be carried out in all cases. Bronchial cancer is treated faster if the formation is completely removed, which will ensure a quick recovery of the patient. In 4 stages, the operation is not performed, since metastases affect nearby tissues, and such interference is ineffective. Operative treatment of cancer is carried out in several ways, and the choice of option takes into account the vastness of the process:

  1. Lobectomy refers to the resection of the lobe of the lung. The doctor makes the final decision after the chest is opened. If the indications are found, for example, the spread of the oncological process, the operation can be expanded.
  2. Bilobectomy is based on the removal of the upper or middle, or lower and middle lobe together. The shares that remain will be sutured to the mediastinum. Immediately during an operation, the lymph nodes located nearby are removed.
  3. With pulmonectomy complete extraction of the lung and the nearest lymph nodes is carried out. Do this only if the patient is in good health.

Cancer of the bronchi - prognosis

It's no secret that the earlier the problem is identified, the more likely the chance of a full recovery. If you are interested in how many live, if there is cancer of the bronchi, then you should know that when determining the tumor at the initial stages and timely treatment, the five-year survival rate is up to 80%. When the disease is started, according to statistics, approximately 30% of the patients undergoing surgery survive. If a person refuses treatment, then up to five years only 8% of patients survive.