Soothing herbs for children

Herbal treatment has been practiced all over the world for many centuries. Herbs, unlike tablets, do not have a lot of contraindications. With the right dosage and reasonable application, they bring unspeakable benefits to the body, both formed and growing.

The child's nervous system is very unstable and in the period of formation it is subject to many life stresses. Because of this, a child can become restless, capricious, withdrawn, tearful.

To help moms come soothing herbs for children. But it is important to remember that before using them it is necessary to consult a pediatrician. Since some of them can cause allergic reactions or dry out the skin.

How to calm the nerves of a child?

Children are very receptive to the environment. If she is constantly tense, the baby will feel uncomfortable. And he expresses this by crying, capriciousness or other methods available to him.

If you notice that your baby has become restless, but can not find the reason - try to conduct a course of treatment with herbs. This course includes:

You can conduct a comprehensive treatment or choose the most convenient option for you.

But all this does not relieve the hike to a neurologist and from a pediatrician's consultation.

Soothing herbs for bathing children

Buy any of these herbs can be in the pharmacy at a very affordable price. Brew the weed according to the instructions given on the package. Add a quarter of a glass of broth to 5 liters of water.

Soothing baths for children are most useful before bedtime, both during the day and in the evening. Bathe the baby with herbs for 15 minutes. The course is conducted eight times a day every other day.

Soothing tea for children

Chamomile tea with honey



Brew chamomile according to the instructions on the package, add two teaspoons of honey to the resulting filtered decoction. Dissolve with boiled water to taste, so that the tea is not too concentrated. Give 4-5 times a day.


  1. From birth to a year - start to enter from half a teaspoon, gradually bringing up to two teaspoons. More than two teaspoons to a year does not need to be given.
  2. From one to three years - two tablespoons three to five times a day.
  3. Three to six - four to five tablespoons.
  4. After six years - a glass of tea three times a day.

The broth can be added to ordinary black tea, but then it does not need to be diluted with water.

Mint tea



Herbal mixture pour 100 grams of water, give a half-hour infusion, drain. Drink a child at the above dosage.

Mint tea with chamomile and fennel



Pour the mixture 100 g of boiling water, insist for forty minutes, drain. Give two teaspoons in the morning and evening.

Tea with chamomile and melissa



Pour a mixture of 200 g of water and allow to boil. After the cook, cover and let it brew for 20 minutes, strain through gauze.

How to calm a child before going to bed with the help of herbs?

Often children under the age of six months suffer from colic. For this reason, the baby is hard to put to bed.

But there are several ways to relieve pain and nervous tension after prolonged suffering:

  1. Light a candle in the room with the aroma of lavender, turn on the quiet music and mute the light (you can light the night light).
  2. Type the baby a warm bath with motherwort.
  3. Carry out a set of exercises against colic during bathing.
  4. After bathing, pat the baby's skin with a soft towel, put it into the crib. At the head of the bed, put a bag of such herbs: lemon balm, hop cones, lavender flowers, St. John's wort flowers. The cloth of the bag should be cotton.

Some of these recommendations will also be useful for parents and older children in stressful periods.