Staining of the balage

Balayage of hair - one of the types of melioration, in which the ends of the hair, as a rule, are painted in color, contrasting with the main one. Melioration balage has other names: two-tone painting, degradation, cross-coloring, etc.

Advantages of staining balage

Hair coloring balage is especially liked by the ladies dreaming to add to their image of femininity and uniqueness, but for all that do not want to change cardinally. This technique allows you to:

To enhance the effect of staining balayage, experts recommend choosing the right haircut. If balajazh is done on short hair, then the quads or graduated beans are most suitable, for medium and long ones it is better to choose cascading haircuts .

It is undesirable to do balajazh on long straight hair, since too smooth a border between hair of different colors causes a feeling of lack of well-being, giving the impression that the roots have grown.

Types of hair coloring

All subsequent types of hair coloring are united by one name - balage:

  1. Classical coloring in several tones with a smooth transition of hues and a fuzzy horizontal border. Combinations are possible: lighter top - dark bottom, or top is darker - bottom is lighter.
  2. A clear borderline of the hues of the hair, while it can be located high - at the level of the cheekbones, and low - at the ends of the hair.
  3. Painted tips on the occipital part of the head.
  4. Balaž on naches for creative "torn" haircuts.
  5. Balaž on the tail - the tips taken from the tail are stained.
  6. Staining of strands in the face area.
  7. Contrast asymmetric strokes on the bangs and ends of the hair.

Variants of balajazh coloring are dictated by the age and style of the owner of the head of hear, the main trends of fashion and, of course, depend on the master's imagination.

Color spectrum

To hair looked great, and the combination of colors advantageously emphasized the female beauty, you must choose the right color. Selection of shades for staining balage depends on the color type of the exterior . The following pairs of shades are best combined:

  1. The "spring" color-type is best suited for bronze roots and amber ends of hair.
  2. Women of "summer" type to face combinations: roots - ashy, tips - pearl shades or roots are painted with "hazelnut", and the ends of the hair - with an ash blonde.
  3. For the "autumn" color-type, the top of the hair is painted in a dark chestnut, and the tips - with bright bronze.
  4. The appearance of a woman of the "winter" type best emphasizes the combination: blue-black with alo-red ends or an eggplant with tips, painted in Burgundy.

Technique of coloring hair balage

It is possible to dye hair in balaij technique if desired, even at home, but it must be borne in mind that coloring techniques when staining hair having different lengths differ.

Short hair

The hair is strongly brushed to make the tips stick up. A dye is applied to the foil square. Foil with dye spread on the ends of hair. Thin hair is best fixed with varnish at the base of the roots.

Medium length hair

Hair is divided into identical strands with a square base and fix them with elastic bands, twisting the base in a foil. The tips are painted in the chosen shade.

Long hair

The hair divided into strands is fixed with elastic bands, under the tip of each of them is put a square foil. Using a brush, a dye is applied, after which the foil is wrapped around the strand.