Can children do inhalation at a temperature?

As is known, such a phenomenon as a rise in body temperature, is an integral part of any catarrhal, infectious or inflammatory disease. Similar almost always accompanied by inflammatory processes in the respiratory system, the main symptom of which are cough, breathing disorder, dyspnea. With such violations, the only means of salvation are inhalations. But how to be, if the baby has a fever, can you do inhalation with children? Let's try to answer this question and understand the situation.

How can inhalation be carried out?

First, it should be noted that this procedure can be carried out in two ways: steam and using a special device - an inhaler or a nebulizer.

In the first case, inhale the vapors of the drug solution, which has a high temperature. The vapor exerts a broadening effect on the vessels of the mucous membrane and facilitates the direct administration of the components of the preparation into the bloodstream.

The second method involves the introduction of the drug into the respiratory tract with the help of a special device - an inhaler. It as though sprays a medicine and promotes penetration of its components deeply in a pharyngeal.

Can children do inhalation at a temperature?

Such procedures are permissible only in the second way, i.e. with the use of a special apparatus. The thing is that the inhalation of hot vapors with classical inhalations will contribute to an even greater rise in body temperature in the baby. Therefore, steam inhalations at a temperature of children greater than 37.5 degrees can not be conducted.

In such situations, when the temperature rises in the child, the inhalation is performed by a nebulizer. This method eliminates the inhalation of hot steam. In this case, the effect of the administration of drugs in this way is not less, because the drug enters the bloodstream in the form of a finely divided solution. This facilitates the rapid assimilation of components and their entry through the mucous membrane into the bloodstream.

What drugs can be used for inhalation treatment?

Having told about the temperature at which a child can be inhaled and how this procedure is performed, I would like to name the drugs most often used for inhalations.

So, the most accessible and common is the usual saline solution. As it can be used and all known solution of sodium chloride. Often, in order to enhance the expectorant effect in the defeat of the bronchi, it is added alkaline mineral water, for example Borjomi.

Also with the help of an inhaler or a nebulizer, antibacterial drugs can be administered. In this case, the mother must strictly observe all dosages and the frequency of administration of the drug, which the doctor will tell her.

This method of drug administration is indispensable in such a violation as bronchospasm. In such cases, the child's breathing sharply worsens, attacks of suffocation develop.

Is it always possible to use inhalation with a nebulizer?

If we talk about the temperature at which a child can not be inhaled, even with the help of a nebulizer, then, as a rule, it is 38 degrees. However, in the event of the onset of bronchospasm, this manipulation is carried out, given that its effect will be higher than the likelihood of any side effect.

Also it should be noted that in the presence of a response in the form of allergies, deterioration of well-being, inhalations are not repeated.

Thus, it can be said that carrying out inhalations at a temperature in children should be necessarily coordinated with a doctor who, given the type of the disease, its stage and the severity of the symptoms, will give recommendations to the mother for treatment.