What is the body temperature in dogs?

As for a person, the body temperature for a dog is an important indicator of her health. With malaise, the first thing you need to measure it and only then call the vet. But if you see a 37 or more mark on the thermometer, you do not need to panic - in dogs the normal body temperature is slightly higher than that of humans.

What is the normal body temperature in dogs?

Each owner is simply obliged to know what body temperature the dog should normally have. On average, this indicator can range from 37.5 ° to 38.5 ° and depends on several factors - the age of the dog, its breed, its physiological state.

For example, in dogs of tiny breeds, the temperature is always higher, up to 39.2 °. This is due to a faster metabolism compared to representatives of large breeds .

Also, the temperature can rise by 0.5-1 °, when the dog is excited or in a stressful situation, when it has a heat or air temperature too high.

To know all the features associated with the temperature of the body of your pet, you need to take measurements from time to time and do it in a calm atmosphere.

How to measure body temperature in a dog?

To find out what body temperature a dog has, one must be able to measure it correctly. Do this in the rectum of the animal, because this procedure usually dogs do not like, especially the first time.

You need to take a mercury thermometer, bring down the scale, lubricate its tip with petroleum jelly. Place the dog on its side, raise the tail at the base and slowly introduce the thermometer into the anal opening to a depth of 1.5-2 cm. When the dog gets used to the procedure a little, you can try to measure the standing temperature.

To measure the temperature, you can use an electronic thermometer. In this case, the procedure will take less time - no more than one minute. It is imperative to do everything in a quiet environment to exclude a rise in temperature due to excitement and fright.