Pancreatitis in children - the rules of first aid and further treatment

Pancreatitis in children is a common disease. Every 20 children diagnose it. This ailment is an inflammatory process in the digestive tract. In childhood, this disease has its own characteristics. Its course is somewhat different from how the disease develops in adults.

Causes of pancreatitis in children

The development of this disease is due to the intensive production of pancreatic enzymes (primarily the protease) and the pathological effect of this active substance on the damaged tissues of this organ. As a result of self-destruction, toxins and other breakdown products are thrown into the blood and lymph. Inflammation of the pancreas proceeds in such forms:

Acute pancreatitis in children

This form of ailment is provoked by the following factors:

  1. Congenital anomalies - a pathological change in the shape and size of the pancreas. In addition, constrictions and adhesions can appear in this organ of the digestive system. Because of this, the output of pancreatic enzymes is difficult in the right amount in the duodenum.
  2. Injuries to the abdomen - there may be a rupture of the tissues of this organ.
  3. Parasitic disease - "puffs" of pests overlap the ducts of the pancreas. As a result, acute pancreatitis develops in the child.
  4. Gallstone disease - the formation may overlap the ducts, which causes the digestive system to stop functioning properly.
  5. Calcifications - salt deposits are due to an overdose of vitamin D.
  6. Other pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract , in which the output of pancreatic juice is difficult and food stagnation occurs.

Pancreatitis in children in acute form is caused by such factors:

Chronic pancreatitis in children

This form of pathology is very rare in infants. More often such a pancreatitis in a child occurs after a recent illness in acute form. However, this pathology is also found in other cases. For example, it is diagnosed when a reactive inflammation of the pancreas in a child is observed for a long time. In other words, a chronic disease is the result of untimely or inadequate treatment of the initial stage of the disease.

Reactive pancreatitis in children

This disease is a reaction of the body to the ongoing inflammatory process. Reactive pancreatitis in a child occurs for the following reasons:

Pancreatitis in children - symptoms

Signs of inflammation of the pancreas largely depend on the form of the disease. The acute stage is accompanied by such a clinical picture:

In the presence of reactive pancreatitis, the following symptoms are observed:

Chronic pancreatitis in a child has symptoms similar to acute form. It is characterized by such a clinical picture:

Pain in pancreatitis

The localization of this symptom depends on the nature of the inflammatory process. Pain in pancreatitis occurs after a short time after exposure to food provocateur. With the progression of pathology, the nature of the problem is exacerbated. The acute form of the disease is characterized by painful sensations in the upper abdomen. Gradually, they begin to give into the squeezed part and the lower jaw. Chronic pancreatitis in children has a less pronounced area of ​​localization of pain. Painful sensations can vary in intensity.

Temperature in pancreatitis

It serves as a protective reaction of the body to the inflammatory process that is taking place inside it. In the brain, the hypothalamus is responsible for thermoregulation. In the inflammatory process, the body begins the production of interleukin, a special protective component. He delivers to the hypothalamus a signal about "foreign agents". The organism responds to this with chills and increased heat exchange. All these signs of pancreatitis in children can be observed in the acute form of the disease. When the disease goes to a chronic stage, the body temperature rises slightly.

Inflammation of the pancreas - treatment

Before the appointment of therapy, the doctor must make sure the correctness of the diagnosis. Diagnosis helps in this. It includes such studies:

  1. The delivery of a general blood test to determine the level of leukocytes (in the inflammatory process, it is increased).
  2. Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, which helps to see a change in the structure and size of internal organs.
  3. Biochemical blood test, which allows to detect elevated levels of lipase, trypsin and amylase.
  4. A coprogram , in which undigested food particles can be detected, indicating insufficient production of pancreatic enzymes.
  5. Urine analysis, which helps to detect the presence of amylase.

Treatment of pancreatitis in children is a complex and lengthy process. It is aimed at arresting the symptoms of the disease, providing the pancreas with functional rest and eliminating etiological factors. A comprehensive approach is used, including the use of such methods:

Attack of pancreatitis - first aid

The tactic of alleviating the condition of a small patient in an acute and exacerbated chronic stage of the disease is similar. It includes such manipulations:

  1. It is necessary to calm the child and seat him so that the body is slightly tilted forward.
  2. Remove clothing that makes it difficult for the baby to breathe.
  3. You can not feed your baby before the arrival of "ambulance".
  4. It is necessary to give every half hour to the baby to drink (non-carbonated mineral water) 50 ml each.
  5. Do not take baby painkillers before the ambulance arrives, because this will make it difficult to diagnose the ailment.
  6. If the attack is accompanied by vomiting, do not wash the stomach (let it all go naturally).
  7. It is impossible to apply cold to the abdomen, because this will aggravate the condition of the pancreas and strengthen the spasms.

If the parents, knowing how to relieve the inflammation of the pancreas in the aggravated form of chronic pancreatitis, can not cope with the attack in the child, you should immediately call an ambulance. You can not loitering! In addition, you should not choose an analgesic medication yourself, because this can only aggravate the situation.

Preparations for pancreatitis

All medicines must be prescribed by a doctor. They are introduced at the initial stage of therapy in the form of injections, and a week later (when painful spasms are eliminated) drugs for pancreatitis can be administered in the form of tablets. More often such preparations are used:

Pancreatitis in children - diet

Correctly formulated diet is one of the conditions for effective treatment of the disease. When the disease worsens, the doctor can recommend a "food pause" for 1-2 days. During this period, the child can be given a drink in small sips of warm mineral water without gas (for example, Borjomi). When "food pause" in a hospital, suction of gastric juice is carried out, as it can provoke the synthesis of pancreatic enzymes.

When the baby's condition is facilitated, the child is transferred to a therapeutic diet. During the first two weeks after the withdrawal of spasm all dishes are prepared without salt. Food for inflammation of the pancreas should be fractional (5-6 times a day) in small portions. Food should be wiped so that it is a liquid or semi-liquid consistency. First in the diet of the baby to enter you need a porridge, for example, millet, which should be cooked on milk, diluted with water (ratio 1: 1).

Gradually, the child's diet is enriched with such dishes:

For half a year it is not allowed to eat such food:

Pancreatitis - folk remedies

High efficiency in the treatment of this disease shows the combination of classical and alternative "drugs". Treat pancreatitis in young children you need under the supervision of a doctor. The doctor knows which medicines and medicines can be combined, because if you combine them incorrectly, the baby can be seriously harmed. Than to treat pancreatitis in children: