According to some data, the frequency of birth of children with hypospadias has tripled in the last thirty years. Hypospadias is an anomaly of the development of the urethra, in consequence of which the children do not have a posterior wall of the urethra. This pathology is more common in boys with a frequency of 1 case per 150 newborns.
Hypopodium in girls is extremely rare. With this pathology, the urethra is split on the posterior surface, and the anterior wall of the vagina and the hymen are split. In most cases, the opening of the urethra is in the vagina, because of this, female hypospadias are manifested by urinary incontinence.
Causes of hypospadias
- The main reason for the occurrence of hypospadias in newborns is considered to be hormonal disorders in the body, which can occur against the background of taking hormonal drugs by the mother of the baby in the early stages of pregnancy.
- Stress during pregnancy can cause the development of special combinations of hormones, which at a certain time can adversely affect the formation of the genital organs in the child.
- Genetic and chromosomal mutations: the presence of an incorrect combination of sex chromosomes in the genome.
Forms of hypospadias
- the head form : the opening of the urethra is on the head of the penis, but not its usual place;
- stem form : the hole is on the lower surface of the penis, while there is a curvature of the penis and a narrowing of the urethra;
- scrotal form : the opening of the urethra is in the area of the scrotum, while there is a curvature of the penis and a significant decrease in its size;
- crotch : the hole is in the perineal region, with the opening of the urethra can be enlarged, in some cases the foreskin can be split.
Treatment of hypospadias
With the head form of hypospadias, when the curvature of the penis is negligible, it is possible to do without surgery. To date, the only method of correcting most forms of hypospadias, in which the opening of the urethra is narrowed or the penis is significantly curved, is the operation. Operative intervention at an early age makes it possible not to injure the child's psyche and achieve a better result. The optimal period for the operation is the period from one year to two, so that the child has the opportunity to physically and psychologically develop normally (for example, to learn how to write standing, like a man). Operation with hypospadias requires a lot of surgical experience, because it is considered one of the most complex operations in pediatric urology-andrology. The complexity of the operation is to achieve a good patency of the urethra,
Possibility to have children and heredity
According to the results of research, inheritance of hypospadias is impossible, because the cause of the disease lies in the hormonal background of the mother. Although, there are examples of the fact that in some families hypospadias are transmitted through the male line. With a successful operation at an early age, men do not suffer from infertility, although they may have difficulties with the successful completion of sexual intercourse. Therefore, parents should pay special attention to choosing a qualified doctor who can do the surgery with the least possibility of postoperative complications.