Inhalation in children with colds

Inhalation is the inhalation of medicinal products with a therapeutic purpose. Such procedures have been known for a very long time. And modern doctors at the first signs of a beginning rhinitis in children recommend to do inhalations. In addition, inhalations are done with tonsillitis , pharyngitis, bronchitis and pneumonia. Attacks of bronchial asthma are also well treated with inhalations.

Than to do or make inhalation at a cold?

That from inhalation there was an effect, it is necessary to spend it correctly. You can do this procedure one hour before meals or an hour and a half after meals. At a body temperature at the child over 37,5 ° С inhalations it to spend it is impossible. On the street after the inhalation is not recommended to go for three hours.

To prevent burns, never force the child to breathe a very hot steam. The optimum temperature for inhalation is up to 40 ° C. 3-4 year old child explain that with a cold you need to breathe and exhale medicinal spray only through the nose.

What inhalation should I do with a cold? The easiest way to use the proven method: to make a steam inhalation with essential oil. Such inhalations can be given to a child older than 3 years. It is forbidden to use essential oils if the child has allergies to them or bronchial asthma. Most common for the common cold are eucalyptus, fir, pine, lemon and cinnamon, lavender, pine, thyme and others. In a kettle or a pot of hot water, drip a few drops of oil, cover with the child a towel and breathe a pleasant healing steam that will help cure the cold.

A more modern way of carrying a baby inhalations with a cold is using a nebulizer . This is an ultrasonic or compressor inhaler, spraying small particles of medical solutions. And these minute droplets penetrate deeply into the bronchi, which enhances the effectiveness of the procedure. If you adjust the nebulizer to spray drugs with larger particles, they will settle in the nasal passages and help treat the cold in the baby. For very young children, there are special inhalers with a mask. Such nebulizers are used for inhalation in the position of both sitting and lying. The procedure is carried out for about 10 minutes.

Using a nebulizer, you can moisten the nasopharyngeal mucosa of the baby with saline, which is especially true in rooms with excessively dry air.

Herbs for inhalation with colds

Using a nebulizer, you can do inhalations in a child's cold with the following recipes:

1. Inhalations with medicinal infusions. Infusions can be made according to such recipes:

The indicated amount of herbs pour 1-2 liters of boiling water, stand on average heat for 5-10 minutes, and then insist for half an hour. Before the procedure, the infusion is heated and poured into the nebulizer. Use this infusion can be for two to three days if stored in the refrigerator.

2. Inhalations with Kalanchoe juice. This plant helps fight viruses and has anti-inflammatory effect. For inhalation of 2 tbsp. Spoons of juice diluted with water and used in a nebulizer.

3. For inhalation with a cold, you can use the drug "Rokotan" - an extract of yarrow, daisies and calendula. In a half liter of water, you must dilute 2 tbsp. spoons of this product, pour the prepared solution into a nebulizer and breathe aerosol.

4. Inhalations with alkaline solution "Borjomi" contribute to liquefaction of mucus in the nose in the child and its better removal.

The use of inhalations to treat the common cold contributes to a faster and more effective cure for your child.