Flemoklave solute for children

Flemoklava solutab for children is one of the drugs that make up a group of broad-spectrum antibiotics. It contains two active active elements - clavulanic acid and amoxicillin, which makes the use of the fleumoclave soluteba effective in many infectious and inflammatory diseases. The use of the fleumoclave solute for children is indicated for treatment of:

Flemoclav sonotab for children: dosage and method of use

Flemoclav soluteab is intended for internal administration, and its dosage is determined by the severity of the course of the disease and the sensitivity of the infection that caused it. The dose of active substances of the drug per day per 1 kg of body weight is: 30 mg for amoxicillin and 7.5 mg for clavulanic acid. In the case of particularly severe, chronic infections, the recommended dose is doubled.

Dosage of the fleumoclave solute for children:

In order to reduce the possible irritation of the gastrointestinal tract, the fleumoclave salutab is taken with food. The tablet should be washed with plenty of water, swallowed whole or chewed. It is also possible to dissolve the tablet in 100 ml of water, but it is best to give the fleumoclave solute to children under 12 years of age in the form of a syrup, a drop or a suspension. When using the drug in the form of tablets, it should be remembered that the flemoclav salutab for children 250 mg and 500 mg contains an equal amount (125 mg) of clavulanic acid in one tablet, therefore 2 tablets of 250 mg are not equal to 500 mg each.

How many days to take flemoklav soluteba depends on the intensity of infection and the form of the disease. Usually treatment takes from 5 days to 2 weeks. When flemoklava solyutaba is taken for more than two weeks, the probability of occurrence of side effects increases manyfold.

Overdose of the fleumoclave soluteba is manifested by the appearance of nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. If an overdose does occur, then the treatment in this case must be symptomatic: maintain a water balance so that there is no dehydration, and take activated charcoal.

Side effects of the fleumoclave solutab:

Flemoklava solutab is contraindicated for use in children who:

With great care, it is possible to take a flemoclav salutab with various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys.