Laryngitis in children - symptoms

Acute laryngitis is a disease that affects people at any age, but young children are most vulnerable to it. The edema of the larynx, which has arisen as a result of inflammatory processes, poses a serious danger to the health of the baby. The fact that the larynx of a child before the age of 3 has a very narrow lumen, and with edematous phenomena it becomes even less, as a result of which the child begins to choke, feeling a lack of oxygen. Chrochas crumbs scare parents, there is a panic and a real threat to children's lives. Therefore, it is necessary to know how laryngitis is manifested in children, and what measures should be taken to ensure a speedy recovery.

How does laryngitis begin in children?

Noticing the first signs of laryngitis in children, you can promptly identify the disease and seek medical help from a specialist. Acute laryngitis develops as a result of general hypothermia of the baby against the background of chronic infections and weakening of immunity. At first the child slightly coughs up and can complain of dryness in the throat. If there is still noisy breathing, you can not doubt that the baby has laryngitis.

Symptoms of acute laryngitis in children

Gradually, the child's voice will melt or disappear as a result of the swelling of the vocal cords. The cough becomes intense, like a barking cough with whooping cough. When breathing, wheezing wheezing is audible. The kid is nervous, restless. The change in body temperature depends on the causative agent of the disease and the reactivity of the patient's body. The maximum signs of laryngitis in children are manifested at night. The occurrence of attacks at night is explained by the fact that when the child is in a horizontal position, the puffiness of the larynx increases, the coughing of mucus worsens, which in turn leads to an increase in the secretory activity of the larynx, trachea, bronchi.

First aid with laryngitis

At an attack of a laryngitis to parents it is necessary:

With early detection of symptoms of laryngitis in children and timely treatment , the predictions are favorable. If the baby is often more laryngitis, then the reason lies in the incomplete cure of the disease, coupled with low immunity or the presence of allergic diseases, which requires a survey for the allergen.