The first teeth of a child

All parents, without exception, are concerned with the question of when the child will have his first teeth. There are certain norms for teething, however, each child is different, and teeth all appear in different ways. Someone can brag about them already in 3 months, and someone up to a year pleases parents with a toothless smile. Let's look at these important "dental" questions for each parent.

When should the child have his first teeth?

Dentists consider the appearance of the first teeth at the age of 6 to 12 months the norm. However, it happens that children are born with teeth, or, conversely, do not have them until a year and a half. These are variants of minor deviations from the norm, which also have the right to exist. The main thing is that to 2.5-3 years the child had a full set of baby teeth. If you are concerned about the lack of teeth in a child who has already turned a year old, visit a specialist. He examines the baby and tells you if your anxiety is justified. After all, the reasons for this delay can be different, from insufficient assimilation of calcium to metabolic and rickets.

What teeth does the baby cut first?

We represent the general scheme of eruption of milk teeth. Usually the first lower pairs appear first and then the upper central incisors. Often this order is violated, but this should not serve as an excuse for panic. Such deviations include, for example, the appearance in the child of the first teeth of the upper instead of the lower ones.

Then lateral incisors are cut, and then the first molars (so-called root or chewing teeth). As a rule, the appearance of the first molars in children is especially painful. Then the fangs and second molars come out. However, do not be surprised if the first teeth of your child will become fangs. Such cases occur quite often. This may be due to his heredity.

The first signs of the appearance of teeth in children

When the tooth begins to cut through the gum, it gives the child some discomfort. Parents notice that he constantly strives to put his fingers, rattles and other things into his mouth, which there is not at all a place. At many children saliva begins to flow abundantly, and they already try to bite. This is the symptom that soon the baby will erupt the first tooth. The kid becomes restless, can sleep badly and refuse to eat. Often, against the background of the eruption of the first teeth, the child's body temperature rises, a liquid stool appears.

How to ease the suffering of crumbs with teething

  1. Buy him cooling teethers (rodents). They have an analgesic effect on the baby's inflamed gums.
  2. Using a sterile bandage gently massage the baby's gums.
  3. Give the baby a nibble on a crust of bread or a piece of apple peeled. In this case, do not leave the child unattended.
  4. In cases where the baby cries for pain, use special gels or pills that facilitate teething. They quickly relieve inflammation and soothe the gums.
  5. With the appearance of the first teeth, start brushing them twice a day with a special brush, which is put on the finger.

"Tooth" signs

There are several interesting people's perceptions associated with the appearance of the baby's first tooth. For example, it was previously thought that lure should be introduced only when the first tooth appears. When this long-awaited event happens, the godparents should give the baby a silver spoon.

According to popular rumor, the later teething means that the child will be lucky. If the teeth are cut long and painfully - it will become whimsical.

To believe or not to believe in signs is a private matter for everyone. But let, in spite of everything, your child grows healthy and pleases his parents with his Hollywood smile!